SIG CROSS Carbon Barrel...

Shot my first NRL Hunter match over the weekend, and it was my first with the carbon barrel did not disappoint. That rifle + the KILO10K together helped me shoot the best I ever have in a match. - Matt
From initial talks with gunsmiths and some folks at SIG, it was not recommended. This is because there isn't a lot of "meat to work with.' Looking around the edges of the bolt face, you can see it is already relatively thin. A replcement bolt face is a better option i think and something we are also looking into. I'd love to put a 7SAUM in these things.. - Matt

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I know that y'all have been a little busy, but any more info on this? I read some conversation over on SnipersHide suggesting that the Cross might be too thin where the barrel and receiver join to support a magnum chambering. Any truth to that?
I know that y'all have been a little busy, but any more info on this? I read some conversation over on SnipersHide suggesting that the Cross might be too thin where the barrel and receiver join to support a magnum chambering. Any truth to that?
Thin? The bullet seats into the barrel so I'm not sure this is true. Semi auto sure but on a bolt gun the barrel and bolt/stops take the force.
Thin? The bullet seats into the barrel so I'm not sure this is true. Semi auto sure but on a bolt gun the barrel and bolt/stops take the force.
I communicated that poorly-I think the concern was that the the magnum chamber would thin out the barrel walls too much for safe operation.
Thin? The bullet seats into the barrel so I'm not sure this is true. Semi auto sure but on a bolt gun the barrel and bolt/stops take the force.
It's not all about bolt thrust if that is what you are alluding to, there is hoop strength to deal with as well. Tenon diameter matters. A Sig Cross if I'm not mistaken is a 1" dia tenon. Not much wall thickness for a magnum chambering. Sounds like asking for headaches.

And if you tell me it threads into and extension and that will make it stronger, sorry it doesn't work quite that way. It may help to keep you from blowing yourself up in an over-pressure situation but it won't help you from having brass issues and the resultant clickers from too small of a tenon for the pressure.
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The cross operates on an extension that's threaded onto the barrel tenon, similar to an AR barrel. Yes the tenon od is smaller than standard 1-1/6" remington, but tikkas run 1" shank as do ruger American. They're all available in magnums. I've tikkas up to pretty high velocity in short magnums without much issue. I think you'll have problems with the bolt lugs/barrel extension holding psi vs the shank diameter.
Just a heads up, we got a fresh batch of barrels in. Many are already spoken for, but currently we have the following available, although I expect them to go quickly:

6 Creed-20"-1:8T-Sendero
6.5 Creed-18"-1:7.5T-Sendero
Just a heads up, we got a fresh batch of barrels in. Many are already spoken for, but currently we have the following available, although I expect them to go quickly:

6 Creed-20"-1:8T-Sendero
6.5 Creed-18"-1:7.5T-Sendero
Dang, that 20" 308 went fast. Any guesses on the next round?