Siberian Game Birds


Jul 16, 2019
I was watching this documentary on trappers in the Taiga forest of central Siberia. Besides an 80 mile snowmobile ride to his trapping grounds while his dog literally ran beside it the entire way. He shot a bird that appeared to resemble a praire grouse, but was the size of a goose. They called it a woodcock but I feel like that was likely lost in translation.

What say you fellow internet experts?


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Hen capercaillie. The male(cock) capercaille is pretty cool looking.
Thatll do it. I saw the males when I did my first Google pass and quickly dismissed it as not even close. Thanks!
I'm a bird hunter first. Don't get me wrong, I love my big game but... there's 3 birds on this planet that I'd actually pay money to hunt.
Himalayan snowcock. Chacalaca( which I had numerous at the resort last month in the Yucatán , then these. Average weight of the male is 10#s. Like jump shooting turkeys. Woot!
I'm a bird hunter first. Don't get me wrong, I love my big game but... there's 3 birds on this planet that I'd actually pay money to hunt.
Himalayan snowcock. Chacalaca( which I had numerous at the resort last month in the Yucatán , then these. Average weight of the male is 10#s. Like jump shooting turkeys. Woot!

They have them in Sweden you can go hunt, relatively inexpensive for the hunt, travel on the other hand.

Head to the rubies for snowcock.

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