Let me ask you a question which might have a bearing on your choice. Tell us about the hunt. Was it memorable? Tough hunt or sipping coffee in a box blind over a water tank? Guided or DIY? When you look at that elk will you be reminded of all the preparation and hard work or will you think about the giant check you wrote for someone else to tie him to a tree before you got there? Those things would play a role in my decision. I’d like to hear the story of the hunt for such a beautiful bull.
This last year I was lucky enough to draw a unit 23 Arizona tag. Those that are familiar with the unit know that this is a premium unit that produces big bulls year after year. I have been building points for this unit for many years and had been dreaming of the day that I would be able to draw the tag. I live in Idaho and knew that getting down to scout as much as I would like and hunt was not going to be easy and that if I tried doing it on my own that I would not be doing the tag justice. I made the decision to hire a guide even though I had never done that before. After talking to many outfitters in AZ I decided to go with A3. I told them that I was not like most people that hire them. I was willing to go in any hell hole and over any mountain. I wanted their experience and knowledge of the unit. At one point before the hunt I even told my guide that if he knew of a monster but did not want to pursuit it because of the hell hole that it was in that I would let walk away if he got me on it. I told him I was willing to pack it out with the crew I was bringing from Idaho.
All the research I did and the people I had talked to about this hunt had told me that long shots are the norm in this unit. It is very thick country and most shots have to be taken across the canyon. I spent all summer working on dialing in my loads and my gun. I was very confident in my gun and my shot placement by time the hunt rolled around in late November.
When the hunt finally came I was as prepared as I thought I could be. I was lucky enough to have my dad and a hunting friend join me for the long drive down from Idaho. I was also lucky enough to have a friend of mine that lived in Texas jump on a plane and fly over for the hunt.
We showed up a day early so we could get familiar with our surroundings and to meet the guide. I was able to work with Dan from A3 as well as Jay one of the owners. Right off the bat it was clear that these guys knew what they were doing. The country was nothing like what I was used to hunting in Idaho and it was soon clear to me that I had made the correct decision in hiring these guys to help out. They had spent all summer in the unit as well as the early hunts. They were familiar with what bulls were around and what we should hold out for.
Opening morning came and we had decided that we wanted to pursuit a bull that had been spotted two days previously named Donald Trump Jr. He was give this name because he was strong on the right since he was an 8x7. That morning we all split up and went to different vantages in hopes of turning him up. We glassed the same canyons and hillsides over and over again but we were unable to turn him up. Its seemed the only thing We were able to glass up were other hunter. (125 tags) Towards the evening we were able to turn up some 330+ bulls which were monsters to me but I was assured by Dan that we could do better and reminded me that it was only the first day. That night was spent around camp telling stories and catching up with old and new friends.
The next morning we got and once again spread out hoping to turn up the bull we had been looking for and hoping that another hunter had not got him the day before. That morning there was a little bit more chatter on the radio as the wind had died down and the elk seemed to be moving around some more. We were finding some nice bulls but we were still hoping to find "THE ONE". Not long into the morning Jay came on the radio stating that he had located Donald Trump Jr. Dan, my dad, and myself packed up and started hiking back to the truck so that we could try to have a chance at him.
We were able to get over to Jay and we were surprised where he found the bull considering he was a couple miles from where we had found him a couple days earlier. The bull had bedded down in some thick brush but the sun was going to be on him soon and we knew that he was going to have to get up to get out of the sun. We tried to get as close as we could to him but unfortunately the way he was positioned the closest we could get was 885 yards. This is why I spent the summer preparing and shooting. I would like to be closer but I was very confident with my shooting. We took the time and built up a little area with rocks so I could get prone and be solid.
After laying there for about 30 min waiting the bull out I felt the sun hit my back and started getting hot. I knew that the bull was going to get up soon. The bull soon got up and walked into a small window. I squeezed off a shot the shot was high but dropped him in his place. We were able to get another one in him to finish him off.
At the end of the day this will always be a great memory to me. I was surrounded by my dad and friends. I was also able to make some new friends. Some people will try to discredit my trophy because I hired a guide but I am happy with the decision I made and wouldn't change that.