Should I have used a call?


Dec 17, 2022
I just finished up a population management hunt in Arizona unit 4B – without bringing any meat home. This was a hunt that I didn’t really anticipate or plan ahead for, which made this more difficult on my part. My brother joined me to help out, but we had never hunted the area nor had time for scouting. I’d say we are both novice hunters and I’m looking for some feedback or advice from the experienced crew – in case I/we ever get a ‘do-over.’

Fast-forward a few days into the hunt & we located a spot with water food & cover. Fresh sign was everywhere (really everywhere & lots of it); very defined travel routes to/from water & areas of cover. I know both bulls and cows were in the area by looking at the tracks. However, the full moon at night didn’t help us & the moon phase wouldn’t really change during our hunt. The elk stayed bedded all day & it appeared they were only moving outside shooting hours (in the dark). We never heard any type vocalization from any elk.

We attempted an ‘elk drive’ of sorts without success. The area they bedded in was rather thick with cedars & they just stayed inside that cover, running circles around us. They never came out into the adjacent open clear-cut areas & stayed inside the cover of the trees. One herd I spooked inside this stand of trees had to have at least 10 by the sound of their stampede and the tracks they left. I was within 50 yards of them & never knew it.

I’ve never used any type of calls when hunting elk, but wonder if we should have tried this. Looking for any feedback/advice that I can take to the field next time.
Typically the later seasons I don't call. After mid October elk don't talk much except to warn of danger. Maybe a cow call to stop an animal for a shot, but other than that I think calling just alerts them to your presence during non rut hunts.
I always take my calls, regardless of early season archery or late season rifle. If nothing else, calls can be one more tool that you have at your disposal if needed and can always be helpful to get an animal to stop where you want them to if a shot presents itself.

If you just finished your season, it would be considered a late hunt for sure and I would not expect much success with calls as my primary strategy.

Sounds like you found their feeding and bedding areas. I would spend time sitting in those areas for ambush or spot and stalk and trying to catch them in between.
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I always take my calls, regardless of early season archery or late season rifle. If nothing else, calls can be one more tool that you have at your disposal if needed and can always be helpful to get an animal to stop where you want them to if a shot presents itself.

If you just finished your season, it would be considered a late hunt for sure and I would not expect much success with calls as my primary strategy.

Sounds sounds like you found their feeding and bedding areas. I would spend time sitting in those areas for ambush or spot and stalk and trying to catch them in between.
Thanks for the advice. Good input for my next outing. :)
Rifle hunter here, so I only bring a cow call. In my experience, anything past 1st rifle is way past anything else to be useful. I use the old Primo's Lead Cow & Calf call. It's certainly been effective over the years. Same for my hunting buddies.
Will back up GringoBling on this, i'd bring a cow call, was on a late season, mature bull only hunt / unit in NM one year with my step dad and we spotted a couple youngers bulls a ways off.... he squeeked on that cow call and they came in from 2 ridges over on a string as we tried to get away from them so we didnt send them running all over when they caught our scent.
There are spots to call & spots not to call. When spot & stalk is out of the question because of cover & terrain diversity then calling can be very effective. Of course the right tactic of use is the key when elk are in Feeding areas or Bedding areas, bedding being the best.

In your situation utilizing the Cow Party Tactic would have upped your odds immensely for close encounters. This Tactic is unique in its use & can be used any month of the year. Rarely do elk respond to it but they do show up, that's the key here! The only place this tactic can be found is on the ElkNut App. If this isn't possible for you give me a call & I'll be happy to share it with you. 208-315-0562

Will back up GringoBling on this, i'd bring a cow call, was on a late season, mature bull only hunt / unit in NM one year with my step dad and we spotted a couple youngers bulls a ways off.... he squeeked on that cow call and they came in from 2 ridges over on a string as we tried to get away from them so we didnt send them running all over when they caught our scent.
Thanks for the input. It sounds like some calls in my 'toolkit' are definitely worth having. Appreciate the input.
Rifle hunter here, so I only bring a cow call. In my experience, anything past 1st rifle is way past anything else to be useful. I use the old Primo's Lead Cow & Calf call. It's certainly been effective over the years. Same for my hunting buddies.
Thanks Gringo, I'll consider that in my search for calls.
There are spots to call & spots not to call. When spot & stalk is out of the question because of cover & terrain diversity then calling can be very effective. Of course the right tactic of use is the key when elk are in Feeding areas or Bedding areas, bedding being the best.

In your situation utilizing the Cow Party Tactic would have upped your odds immensely for close encounters. This Tactic is unique in its use & can be used any month of the year. Rarely do elk respond to it but they do show up, that's the key here! The only place this tactic can be found is on the ElkNut App. If this isn't possible for you give me a call & I'll be happy to share it with you. 208-315-0562

Awesome, thanks for the lead ElkNut! I just downloaded the app and it looks fantastic. I'll work through this & I'm sure it'll be useful for my next hunts. Thanks again.