Shot placement???

Going on a ten day moose hunt in Alaska in September. Gonna try my best to get a shot with my bow. But if all else fails and only have opportunities with a rifle I will use it. Just wonder would you try for a lung shot or a spine shot and try to drop him??
Personally I would go for a lung shot. I like backstraps a lot better than shoulder meat anyways
Lungs...bigger target. My moose presented a hard quarter shot resulting in my only hitting one lung. My saving grace was that the arrowhead was buried so deep in the upper right leg joint he couldn't really move. He stood there a while, laid down, stood back up and tried to move, laid back down, then got up again and stood there a while. I was seriously fighting the urge to crawl close for a second shot but thought I had double lunged him so I stayed put. He laid back down and stayed down in canola that was tall enough to conceal his exactly location. Didn't actually see him until I was 5' away...that was interesting. Glad he was dead.
The first moose I shot with a bow had a montec lodged in its spine. Go for the 🫁 every time even frontal shots.