Shot opportunity's for caller


Feb 25, 2012
This year my #1 priority is getting my buddy an elk. I have thought of leaving my bow at the trailhead and not buying a tag until he tags out. What are the chances of me having a shot at an elk that he cant shoot? Have you had this happen before?
When elk hunting with a bow if it can happen it will, ie you call for shooter you will get shot attempt with no bow.....I have been the caller for almost30 yrs and seen it all....if planning to buy tag anyway I would have it when you go for your friend.
absolutely its happend to me. was calling to a bull with my buddy between us last season. when the bull started towards us i shifted my position slightly to see better. then the woods blew up as the bull that had ghosted in 15 yards behind me blew out of there. have a tag,have an arrow nocked,and keep your head on a swivel. they can slip in silent!
There's always a good chance at getting a shot from the caller position, it's happened in our group multiple times. If your buddy's worth his salt he'll want you to have a tag in your pocket.
i kinda bank on it since most of the time i elk hunt solo. yeah you can call and kill pretty regular
Leaving ones bow at camp is always a risk! A lot depends on the amount of time you have to hunt, 5-7 days on an OTC hunt for 2 + guys I'd seriously consider having my bow at all times as opportunities can be rare, as some have mentioned you just never know when an elk may slip in from the side or behind you, I've also had the shooter miss & the bull continued on towards the caller. This being said it is extremely rare for the caller to get the shot, I've called in 100's of bulls over the years in tag team setups & could count on one hand how many shooting opportunities as the caller I could have had. To date I've never killed a bull as the caller where the bull has slipped in on me in a tag team or 3-4 man setup. Yes a few bulls & cows showed but they are generally on high alert & in search mode as they show up looking for the elk they heard. Anything is possible but in most cases is highly improbable from my experience in tag team setups.

Consider your situation & do what's best for the team! (grin)

If you leave your bow behind you will almost be guaranteed an opportunity. Just the way it seems to go. I was in the same boat two years ago - trying anything to get my partners a shot. I was calling behind the decoy and had a herd bull really hot. His cows wandered by our setup and hooked around behind me. The bull, thinking I was a bull too never quit bulging and followed his cows. When he saw our cow decoy he ripped a bugle and beelined from behind me toward the decoy. I drilled him at 22 yards. I almost didn't nock an arrow as I thought there was no way he get past the shooters given his initial location and the layout of our setup. Glad I did. After I shot, one of my partners hammered a cow that wandered by in the confusion. Anything can happen. This year, my buddy had snow packed in his peep and was taking forever to shoot. When he missed I was at full draw and ready from my caller position. I had a 40 yard shot but saw my partner was nocking another arrow. The confused bull allowed it and with a quick cow chirp I turned him. He dropped in view from a 12 yard shot.