Shot groupings

Jun 6, 2024
Newish to hunting, first elk hunt but plenty of rifle experience. What do you guys consider a good enough grouping to be confident at a given range? I’m trying to extend out to 300 and feel good about it before first rifle. I was hitting shots within a couple inches of each other at 200 yards and feel pretty good about that being precise enough to confidently kill an elk at that range.


Nov 15, 2020
Newish to hunting, first elk hunt but plenty of rifle experience. What do you guys consider a good enough grouping to be confident at a given range? I’m trying to extend out to 300 and feel good about it before first rifle. I was hitting shots within a couple inches of each other at 200 yards and feel pretty good about that being precise enough to confidently kill an elk at that range.

A 2” group at 200 yards is a 1 MOA group, which is good. Is your rifle zeroed at 200 yards? What caliber/load? Post up photo of a target you’ve shot and we can help more.

Elk vitals are a volleyball sitting between the front legs. You need to pop that ball. Aiming at the top of the heart in this image is a good spot.

Oct 2, 2021
Central Virginia
If you are asking about the mechanical accuracy of the rifle/optic/ammo combination, then about 1 MOA is the usual standard. That means shooting off sandbags on a bench on a calm day.

In terms of practical accuracy from field positions, I limit myself to ranges and positions where I can shoot a group I can cover with my hand. Another way to think about it, if you are practicing on steel, is can you consistently hit an 8" gong from real world positions and conditions withy our rifle at that range.