I have a hard time making categorical statements like that given the variability in where and how people hunt, their eyes, etc. i know a couple people who have tried all three and felt either the red dot or irons was the best solution for them. Im in my 50’s and over the past decadenor so I personally really like the additional magnification of a 6-10x on the upper end so I can spin up magnification to pick a hole thru the beech whips—I got rid of a 4.5x low-power variable because it didnt have enough magnification for this (for me). And I know lots of people that prefer the scope or the dot, EXCEPT when its snowy—which happens to be EXACTLY when folks in my area most want to be out and save vacation days for—in which case they go with a peep. Lots of guys around here run two identical 7600 carbines, one with a lpvo or a dot, and one with a peep for when its really snowy or wet. Not to mention simply what folks are familiar with. Based on all that I have a hard time saying any of those choices is “wrong” for someone else.