Short barrels and bullet stabilization

Mar 20, 2019
I have a Remington 700 sps in .243 that I bought about 10 years ago for a coyote gun. It must’ve been the last good rifle Remington built because with factory 95 grain hornady SST’s it shoots sub 1” groups all day long. Instead of buying a new rifle for deer/elk I was thinking about building this rifle into exactly what I want.

First step would be cutting down 24” barrel and threading for suppressor, I was thinking 16.5 for barrel length. From what I’ve gathered the 95 grain bullets are about the maximum for what my 1:9.25 barrel will stabilize. Anyone have any experience with cutting down their barrels and losing bullet stabilization? I’ve done some google searches but got mixed results. Thanks!

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You'll lose velocity but not stabilization.

IMO, you're under gunned for ELK but that's just me. If used, keep range and shot angle well within the threshold of bullet performance.

You'll have a great deer, pig, yote gun. I'm thinking of doing the same to my 24 inch 6.5 manbun.
According to that calculator I should have a stable bullet. It’s on the lower end of the acceptable range but still in the green. I guess if all else fails and it’s not working out I could find a 90gr bullet. Thanks everyone

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