Also I haven't seen it mentioned, for depth perception, your brain must have an input from both eyes.
Squeeks - I agree that relaxation of the facial muscles is another major benefit to both eyes open that I failed to mention. I have always read - even in medical information that visual acuity is reduced with monocular vision - albeit mildly. I may have drawn my own conclusions about the cause & effect being due to pupil size - though I'm almost certain I've read this as well. Can you provide some references? I would certainly be interested in reading/learning more.
I am right handed and left eye dominant. I started out shooting my bow right handed with my left eye closed. Two years ago I switched to left hand specifically so I could shoot with both eyes open. After getting used to shooting lefty, I now shoot much better than I ever did right handed. It especially helps in hunting situations (depth perception, following a moving target, low light conditions, etc).