Shed rush?

Oct 25, 2020
When do the majority of people start to pound the mountains?
I’m headed out to montana for a few days near the end of the month to do some off season scouting and shed hunting, I think we may be a tad early but I had to use these days before the end of the quarter.
In CO they had to set season dates because Coloradans are no longer smart enough to not harass wildlife while looking for their participation trophies. Opens May 1 in the western part of the state. It’s made for a great week to be on the River. Seems to be a lot of overlap in the fisherbros and stick pickers.
When do the majority of people start to pound the mountains?
I’m headed out to montana for a few days near the end of the month to do some off season scouting and shed hunting, I think we may be a tad early but I had to use these days before the end of the quarter.
in general, big bulls shed first, so you have that going for you.... i know things are different regionally, but the areas i hang out in, the big mature bulls should be shedding very soon if not already. i found a really good bull about 3 weeks ago, and he's running a tight schedule, and he had his antlers last weekend.... i will be back up there next week to check on him..... i don't shed hunt much, but this bull is sticking to a small area and he's big, and off the beaten path as far as anyone knowing he's there, so i do plan to pick up his sheds.
In CO they had to set season dates because Coloradans are no longer smart enough to not harass wildlife while looking for their participation trophies. Opens May 1 in the western part of the state. It’s made for a great week to be on the River. Seems to be a lot of overlap in the fisherbros and stick pickers.
Same season as nevada
i would assume quite a few have dropped by now. a couple years ago i saw the biggest bull i have seen to date, in the last week of July, and he was already hard horned.... would like to know when he dropped, must have been pretty dang early.

that bull was feeding with 4 other bulls, all pretty big bulls, but that huge hard horned bull looked huge even next to the other velvet bulls, so i think the chances of finding BIG sheds is pretty decent starting about now (in some areas at least)
2 yrs ago north Idaho been hitting this country since 80s he kept head gear till first week of April a few will drop late March but very few 3 yrs ago 360 bull I watched dropped around 4/12


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They are out and about here in AZ……while lion hunting I saw a group of 13 mature bulls yesterday……all of them were still packing both sides. Earliest here is usually the last few days of March
Keep an eye on "shed seasons" and make sure you can access the areas you want. Around here most of the great winter feed areas don't open until mid-may I believe.
When do the majority of people start to pound the mountains?
I’m headed out to montana for a few days near the end of the month to do some off season scouting and shed hunting, I think we may be a tad early but I had to use these days before the end of the quarter.
There will be people out and about for sure. Most everyone has spring fever this time of the year.
Some bigger bulls we be dropping, most will still be packing as @Ross documented.
Still early yet, sadly that wont keep people from pushing them around. Which usually works out to my benefit as they just get pushed to where most people don't go!