Sh*tter's Full: Call Congress!

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Before this thread gets locked, what do you guys think about the whole no/low cost lease thing?

Is it true that those utilizing public lands aren't paying their fair share?

If so, is that something this community generally agrees should be changed? Thinking this negatively impacts the "value" of public lands and therefore the chances of it remaining public long term.

Smells like a kick back to me but am not educated enough on the topic to make a sound judgement on it.

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We are forgetting how pro environment and public lands RFK JR is. He has a big influence in this admin, obviously. I bet like the poster above who worked with Elon we are going to see a lot of crucial jobs brought back asap including in the USFS. Sorry if my optimism bothers people hell bent on misery.

Unfortunately, Trump stated pretty bluntly in his interview with Rogan that he will have to keep RFK jr away from environmental stuff and keep him in his lane of health admin
Filling the news cycle with gibberish and grandstanding has convinced fewer and fewer people that prices are going down, the deficit will be reduced, or the world will be safer because of our actions.
I don't see what is going on with the fed as trying to do anything but help America get closer to it's original constitutional Republic than where we are now.

The level of funding that has been used nefariously is beyond belief and the green energy bs that has been forced upon us makes it difficult to see reality vs perception.

I expect to see America return to a resource based economy. The ecology radicals will have you believe that logging is detrimental to wildlife....but if you look at Washington vs Idaho forest management and animals per acre, Idaho smokes Washington and Idaho has a lot more aggressive logging practice.

I expect to see more forest consumption, I want that. I remember when there were 50 sawmills within 50 miles of spokane/ you can count them on one hand.

We as hunters get single use focused on habitat use. It's 100% possible to have multi use and make money on the land.
Regarding the budget bill I hadn’t heard of this yet. It would be very strange if they are purposely increasing the deficit. I need to look into that. So thanks for the info. Send me some resources if you can.

It’s comical that blue collar guys are standing up for ridiculous government cuts, many of which are being quietly removed from DOGE website because they aren’t accurate, and cheering for tax cuts for billionares that are increasing the deficit. Don’t believe me, look into it yourselves from sources that aren’t NewsMax or truth social. Elon doesn’t have a streak of goodness to reform government, he’s gaming an entire population to make money, yet blue collar guys think he somehow loves them. Republican Party used to be where smart people think about issues, efficiently run government, and act in favor of efficient ideas and a strong reputation on the world stage.
It’s comical that blue collar guys are standing up for ridiculous government cuts, many of which are being quietly removed from DOGE website because they aren’t accurate, and cheering for tax cuts for billionares that are increasing the deficit. Don’t believe me, look into it yourselves from sources that aren’t NewsMax or truth social. Elon doesn’t have a streak of goodness to reform government, he’s gaming an entire population to make money, yet blue collar guys think he somehow loves them. Republican Party used to be where smart people think about issues, efficiently run government, and act in favor of efficient ideas and a strong reputation on the world stage.
It’s comical that blue collar guys are standing up for ridiculous government cuts, many of which are being quietly removed from DOGE website because they aren’t accurate, and cheering for tax cuts for billionares that are increasing the deficit. Don’t believe me, look into it yourselves from sources that aren’t NewsMax or truth social. Elon doesn’t have a streak of goodness to reform government, he’s gaming an entire population to make money, yet blue collar guys think he somehow loves them. Republican Party used to be where smart people think about issues, efficiently run government, and act in favor of efficient ideas and a strong reputation on the world stage.

Right on cue!
It’s comical that blue collar guys are standing up for ridiculous government cuts, many of which are being quietly removed from DOGE website because they aren’t accurate, and cheering for tax cuts for billionares that are increasing the deficit. Don’t believe me, look into it yourselves from sources that aren’t NewsMax or truth social. Elon doesn’t have a streak of goodness to reform government, he’s gaming an entire population to make money, yet blue collar guys think he somehow loves them. Republican Party used to be where smart people think about issues, efficiently run government, and act in favor of efficient ideas and a strong reputation on the world stage.
This is the exact problem. You added nothing about what this thread is focused on, instead inserting your political commentary.

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This admin is only going to last 4 years. If they want to continue another 4-8 years under, say, JD Vance they’ll need voters again. Selling off public lands will tank the popularity vote IMO. I’ll believe it when I see it, for now it’s a lot of fear mongering. I’m cautiously optimistic about DODGE. Elon has said a million times they will no doubt fire/rid of important people or departments and correct those mistakes in time. It’s been like 40 days, let’s see this play out. USFS will see a hiring boom once fire season starts, that’ll be a big wake up call. I’m not musk fan boy but what he’s doing apart from this topic is amazing, like to good to be true. However I dont get the feeling he cares one bit about conservation right now. So we need to remind the admin these values and hopefully a few in the circle like Don Jr speak up.

Lastly, what good is our country if we don’t fix this debt crisis? What good are we if we keep allowing China to buy our land? I’m more afraid of losing world power than anything else. Well, I was, now we seem to be on the mend.
Which is exactly why these conspiracy theories and fearmongering keep getting pushed and posted. It's the 2028 political campaign already starting.
Another thing that hurts to think about is things like the park service has the highest paid employees on opm's list. A 200k plus dollar base salary. The park service in my area is essentially an enforcement agency. They gave me a warning ticket for not having a CO warning sticker on my 24' jet if you can swim under a jet boat.

Listening to randy talk about interior is pretty short sighted. Assuming grazing is only about making dollars per acre and that there's no benefits in fuel reduction. It was only a few months ago we were told that cow farts were killing the planet.

Interior has a job to do and that is make money. They manage over 470 dams, dikes and canals including the largest power generator in the country. They have a huge impact on the country. They also have a massive drain on the country's wallet. The relationship between green initiatives and grant writers is under fire. All contracts are paused until further review. The cronyism is being investigated and will be under fire.

Randy makes it sound like the BLM just gives away the mineral rights to mining companies and the country gets nothing. The royalties paid to the government seem to be forgotten about.

The $25k per well to cap and kill is also comical to me. I have worked on wells for neatly a decade with one project being a superfund clean up. The wells were not the problem, the department of the navy decided to spray ddt to kill the mosquitoes through irrigation systems. The wells were funded by the leasing owner.

The impact of employees who were cut loose on probation in my agency all had some corrective actions in their file and were on probation. If they can't get through the critical part of your probation without correction, you were not on the best path. The agencies who produced more fines, fees, rules and regulations more than produced a product were certainly under they should be. If they could write a contract, they were under investigation. There was a lot of sweetheart deals going on.

We're certainly going to have some growing pains, but uncovering MASSIVE fraud is clearly designed to help the taxpayers. Selling off public land does occasionally make sense, but largely does not. I expect in the end we'll see that this made us money and helped access and wildlife in the end, that's not to say that our agenda as hunters is to be priority one.
Additionally, if the plan to rehab America's spending and catch all of the nefarious players was so obvious that a bunch of forum posters could figure it out, it probably wouldn't have worked. There's some very complex stuff going on right now and it is to benefit the 99% of America. Worrying about sucking off the shitter is comical. Do we need a full time staff to do so when a contractor will come in and do it for $60? America has to pay a 3 man crew, maintain 3 vehicles, house them, pay them and risk liability for injuries on them. That's a lot of shitters getting sucked out before it's a net loss to my wallet.

And trust me, I hate the way it's shaking up my agency. I literally am on the front lines of this and if my job get pulled because it supports America getting back on track......I'm fine with that. I'll just go buy a shitter sucker and contract to whoever gets the park service.
Which is exactly why these conspiracy theories and fearmongering keep getting pushed and posted. It's the 2028 political campaign already starting.
Exactly, notice nobody is talking about the actual grifting and wasteful spending g being found. They don’t care about that so it’s about changing the narrative. What can’t be defended must be deflected.
I’m just going to add that Doge, if you believe figures that so far don’t add up saves each American tax payer 1$ and some change. The Tax cuts for the wealthy cost around $13,000.00 per person

Personally I don’t see that as savings for our future
Isn’t this about DOGE? The people and motivation behind DOGE? That’s the original topic, if you like me or not.
I laugh when I see people's perception of DOGE. The media will have you believe this is Elon Musk and a dozen autistic kids.

There's a few ways to look at this, one being that it is exactly that. If so, we just watched this tiny crew find trillions of dollars of our money misused among 438 different agencies. I strongly doubt this is the fact.

Another could be that this a MASSIVE operation that has been brewing for a long time. It would be many agencies involved and likely a ton of military intelligence at work......this seems closer to the fact when I analyze it.

I've heard people say that this is AI work. I don't know enough about AI to have an opinion on it's capabilities....but true or false, the direction is in our general favor as tax payers. Much of what the media is playing today got people killed 10 years ago.
I listened to the thing at the front and was generally irritated. I hate to type so I won't dig too deep. I will only focus on the dept of interior - briefly. Forest Service: When I worked for them they still practiced silviculture. Stands of timber got thinned, select cuts of fir and larch got to grow to commercial size, trails got cut by seasonal workers for the fire budget.

Shortly after, clearcuts were multiple drainages and habitat was totally destroyed. Trails were abandoned except for volunteers when they were taken off the fire budget. Now its 'just let it burn if there isn't a house close by'.

Blm: Having been on their resource advisory counsel, their timberland management is far superior to the FS. Side by side, FS in most places looks lke a jungle ready to burn while BLM has habitat and management plans. Grazing is cheap but their land was the land nobody wanted. When I lease grazing for $10/aum they are in bottom land with grass to their bellys while on BLM cows have to hunt for a blade of grass in the sagebrush and then walk two miles for a drink of water. If you want to charge more then quality needs to be comparable.

I worked for the US Bureau Of Mines. Thrre was a metallurgy division that did research with industry on how to get metals out of rock with minimal environmental impact. The field offices inventoried mineral resources and looked at world wide economics. The research group did safety , efficiency, mining methods, rock strength, excavation techniques among many other issues. They closed the Bureau. i guess they were too efficient.

The US Geological Service did mapping, supported research, worked with Universities among many things. They were merged into US Biological Service without a name so congress would fund the USGS but the environmentalists spent the money. Friends I had there told me they couldn't identify mineral resources. Only environmental problems.

I could go on and on but most of this mess really took off with Clinton. We found agency decisions were being made by the lowest people in the chain of command because upper people needed plausible deniability for their future.

Industry suffers from the Harvard planning syndrome and is focused on quarterly profits. Resource industries need long term planning under local conditions. One size fits all government doesn't work. In a lot of these agencies we need to step back to the 50s and get politics out of management.

Selling public land will make a worse mess out of a bad mess. Until the mess in these agencies is brought under control maybe an option is to contract the states to manage the land for the feds. That might put enough roadblocks so that the insanity can't reach a point of no return. Get politics out of resource management and look at 50 year blocks of time with progress assesments at 5 year intervals.
I’m just going to add that Doge, if you belthere figures that so far don’t add up saves each American tax payer 1$ and some change. The Tax cuts for the wealthy cost around $13,000.00 per person

Personally I don’t see that as savings for our future
If you think either side is going to change taxes you’re crazy. Both sides and their donors benefit yet they will cry to make it look like they are putting g up a fight. Just like they won’t pass term limits or rules against insider trading..Pelosi cough cough.

Regardless, it’s too early to get worked up about anything. If public lands become threatened then you will see lots of Trump supporters voicing their opinion. It would be the last time an R would be president for a long, long time and they know this.
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