Sh*tter's Full: Call Congress!

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Worked for Elon for several years. Many times directly. Mixed opinions on him as a human being, but I can tell you that he is running his "algorithm" on the federal government. Step two of his algorithm is "Delete the Part or Process". A direct quote from him on this was "If you're not adding things back in at least 10% of the time, you're clearly not deleting enough".

He would push us to remove sensors, redundancy, turn up the power, etc. on engines until they literally exploded on the test stand. Once they blew up, we reviewed the data and determined what we should add back in. Or if we could add the functionality back in, in a simpler way.

I think his algorithm is a smart way to optimize an engineering design quickly, but he applies it to everything.

When he took over Twitter he was told it would take around 6 months for managers to come up with an accurate list of how to trim the fat of the company. He decided to fire approximately 50% of the workforce, almost immediately, using some quickly put together metrics. This way, he would know in a week who was actually needed and then just hire them (or their equivalents) back in. He did the same with SpaceX and Tesla during layoffs. I had colleagues who were laid off, given a nice severance packaged, only to be asked to come back a month later.

So he's definitely cutting stuff that's needed, he knows this... I'm sure we'll start seeing some people being offered their job back here shortly... It will definitely get worse before it gets better.

Sorry for the brief jump off topic, just figured it was pertinent. As for the original topic, we definitely need to stay on our toes during this time. Any loss of public lands is permanent and will never be worth whatever the perceived "savings" will be.

Very interesting. So what's the federal government equivalent of blowing the engine up? Public outrage? Operational dysfunction?

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Do you perceive public support for this vision of democracy to be increasing or waning?

Man than really depends. Some people have legitimate TDS so it doesn’t matter if he cured all disease and made China buy everyone a new house and all healthy groceries for life. They would still hate, they have been indoctrinated by a billion dollar targeted marketing campaign to hate. They have flipped from being anti war and anti big pharma to wanting never ending winless wars and never ending vaccines and mediations.

Then there’s people who have been awake for decades finally being joined by the awakening from all political spectrums. I’m seeing that everyday in every corner. They didn’t vote for Trump the 1st and 2nd time, but did now or at the least support this movement. I’ve seen die hard liberals supporting Trump. And the RFK fanboys (like myself) follow him over to this administration.

We are forgetting how pro environment and public lands RFK JR is. He has a big influence in this admin, obviously. I bet like the poster above who worked with Elon we are going to see a lot of crucial jobs brought back asap including in the USFS. Sorry if my optimism bothers people hell bent on misery.
"I can't afford to hunt my once public but now private lands, but hey, at least I owned the 'libs' last November!"

Where did you lose public hunting lands to private? I truly am interested. I don’t agree with any public to private transfer. I do agree with some federal land being put back into state or municipal custody which is still public. I disagree with a state or municipality selling their public land.

In Alaska we have the Mental Health Trust that manages and sometimes sells land that was granted to them I guess sometime around statehood. It is basically public land while held in the trust. They can develop for the benefit of the trust, which funds a mental health program in the state. They will give leases for minerals and timber, and also sell land. There is a public process, sometimes. One can make them a private offer on their land which has to be 30% over appraised value. All one needs is the wherewithal and funding, and an appraiser that will play ball. I’ve seen it happen and it’s BS. Some of the biggest greenies in the state have grabbed land this way so they will never have to look at a neighbor. Like the folks who make the beer with our state name on it. Good for thee but not for me.

Sorry for the rant.
Worked for Elon for several years. Many times directly. Mixed opinions on him as a human being, but I can tell you that he is running his "algorithm" on the federal government. Step two of his algorithm is "Delete the Part or Process". A direct quote from him on this was "If you're not adding things back in at least 10% of the time, you're clearly not deleting enough".

He would push us to remove sensors, redundancy, turn up the power, etc. on engines until they literally exploded on the test stand. Once they blew up, we reviewed the data and determined what we should add back in. Or if we could add the functionality back in, in a simpler way.

I think his algorithm is a smart way to optimize an engineering design quickly, but he applies it to everything.

When he took over Twitter he was told it would take around 6 months for managers to come up with an accurate list of how to trim the fat of the company. He decided to fire approximately 50% of the workforce, almost immediately, using some quickly put together metrics. This way, he would know in a week who was actually needed and then just hire them (or their equivalents) back in. He did the same with SpaceX and Tesla during layoffs. I had colleagues who were laid off, given a nice severance packaged, only to be asked to come back a month later.

So he's definitely cutting stuff that's needed, he knows this... I'm sure we'll start seeing some people being offered their job back here shortly... It will definitely get worse before it gets better.

Sorry for the brief jump off topic, just figured it was pertinent. As for the original topic, we definitely need to stay on our toes during this time. Any loss of public lands is permanent and will never be worth whatever the perceived "savings" will be.
Ok, so I'm not the only one. I've interacted with him as far back as the 90s. He is a master at "creative destruction"...he blows things up others have built, then scrambles to recover. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So far he's only applied this to the private sector, where he has more control, access to private capital, and only has to deal with shareholders, not citizens.

What I'm watching for is the deletion of data relevant to public land. NOAA weather just got whacked last week. The 18F team just got axed Fri night, all 85 of them. They were the stewards of, which has the open data from Interior that covers public land boundaries and statistics. This is also the dataset that OnX and other geospatial mapping services use, btw.

So, I'd advise all here to watch for critical data relevant to public land to go dark. That enables the Administration to start making moves with less oversight.

BTW, if you read between the lines, selling public lands is one of the quickest ways to fund a Sovereign Wealth Fund, which was just floated by the Administration in the last two weeks.
I find so much lack of understanding of the breadth of the issue surrounded by so much personal and incurious dogma that it’s impossible to have an intelligent conversation about it. Which is why I think threads go down the political rabbit hole.

Edit: and the ridiculous whataboutism which is merely a deflect to bully a commenter and support junk information.
and... any Republicans who might dissent are forced into compliance by Musk who will replace them with "yes men" by simply outspending them on the campaign trail come the next election cycle.

Again, insanity that Musk has this much power.
This right here is what I don’t quite understand. Of course an administration and those working for it want people who will follow their thinking.

I hope you had the same sentiment when Soros funded all these judges and prosecutors across the country to implement their vision. How about Zuckerberg donating $100’s of millions so his companies could continue their grifting with the govt using our data and censoring? Seems we have a bunch of single issue voters because there should have been outrage about many things the last few years but these same people were silent, or worse yet, ok with open borders and wasting billions.

It’s too early to tell what’s going to happen with public lands, or anything yet. I do know one thing, the influence of social media was huge this election and if selling public lands becomes a thing, this administration will hear about it big time.
Where did you lose public hunting lands to private? I truly am interested. I don’t agree with any public to private transfer. I do agree with some federal land being put back into state or municipal custody which is still public. I disagree with a state or municipality selling their public land.

In Alaska we have the Mental Health Trust that manages and sometimes sells land that was granted to them I guess sometime around statehood. It is basically public land while held in the trust. They can develop for the benefit of the trust, which funds a mental health program in the state. They will give leases for minerals and timber, and also sell land. There is a public process, sometimes. One can make them a private offer on their land which has to be 30% over appraised value. All one needs is the wherewithal and funding, and an appraiser that will play ball. I’ve seen it happen and it’s BS. Some of the biggest greenies in the state have grabbed land this way so they will never have to look at a neighbor. Like the folks who make the beer with our state name on it. Good for thee but not for me.

Sorry for the rant.

This was literally talked about since Project 2025 was unveiled and it is now happening in real time. It's only going to get worse.

I just cannot believe how so many blue collar, middle-class Americans who will never sniff the wealth and privilege that the current administration enjoys just willing slit our throats with the knife they provide us, and do so with a smile on our face, so we can fight some irrelevant culture war between ourselves these pricks have manufactured. Meanwhile my lifelong retirement and Medicare I hope to some day enjoy is being pilfered so some strung out ketamine addict can blow up rocket ships and impregnate woman after woman with reckless abandon.

These people do not care about you, or me, or anyone they deem as less than. They sure as shit don't care about preserving our public lands for us to enjoy either.
what the last 40 days has really exposed for me is how conditioned people have become to accept a collapsing country.

we got proof that our tax money is being used to control the way we think for liberal interests through media and NGOs. literally our own money being used to pay journalists to push whatever it is they want pushed. and people aren’t mad and continue to ask for more.

this same fake tax payer system pushed the entire green energy lie, funds wildlife groups, got politicians involved in state wildlife departments, funds groups like BHA and Randy to craft some sky is falling outrage every period when they lose power.

when they get power we lose hunting rights, hunting decisions such as wolves and bear seasons, we see our land destroyed by solar, etc.

and they don’t say a word.

enough of these people.

This was literally talked about since Project 2025 was unveiled and it is now happening in real time. It's only going to get worse.

I just cannot believe how so many blue collar, middle-class Americans who will never sniff the wealth and privilege that the current administration enjoys just willing slit our throats with the knife they provide us, and do so with a smile on our face, so we can fight some irrelevant culture war between ourselves these pricks have manufactured. Meanwhile my lifelong retirement and Medicare I hope to some day enjoy is being pilfered so some strung out ketamine addict can blow up rocket ships and impregnate woman after woman with reckless abandon.

These people do not care about you, or me, or anyone they deem as less than. They sure as shit don't care about preserving our public lands for us to enjoy either.

perfect example of total brainwashing right here.

A post complaining about billionaires from american

started by John Podesta himself Clinton and Obama Sec of State. The man himself of the Podesta emails where Assange exposed that Citibank and a group of billionaires picked Obama entire cabinet.

Completely funded by tax dollars and fake donors.

There is where you retirement money went..

This was literally talked about since Project 2025 was unveiled and it is now happening in real time. It's only going to get worse.

I just cannot believe how so many blue collar, middle-class Americans who will never sniff the wealth and privilege that the current administration enjoys just willing slit our throats with the knife they provide us, and do so with a smile on our face, so we can fight some irrelevant culture war between ourselves these pricks have manufactured. Meanwhile my lifelong retirement and Medicare I hope to some day enjoy is being pilfered so some strung out ketamine addict can blow up rocket ships and impregnate woman after woman with reckless abandon.

These people do not care about you, or me, or anyone they deem as less than. They sure as shit don't care about preserving our public lands for us to enjoy either.
Where are the public lands being sold? Thats a regurgitated AP News and Forbes opinion article posted earlier in the thread screaming the sky is falling cause the other side won the election.
what the last 40 days has really exposed for me is how conditioned people have become to accept a collapsing country.

we got proof that our tax money is being used to control the way we think for liberal interests through media and NGOs. literally our own money being used to pay journalists to push whatever it is they want pushed. and people aren’t mad and continue to ask for more.

this same fake tax payer system pushed the entire green energy lie, funds wildlife groups, got politicians involved in state wildlife departments, funds groups like BHA and Randy to craft some sky is falling outrage every period when they lose power.

when they get power we lose hunting rights, hunting decisions such as wolves and bear seasons, we see our land destroyed by solar, etc.

and they don’t say a word.

enough of these people.

perfect example of total brainwashing right here.

A post complaining about billionaires from american

started by John Podesta himself Clinton and Obama Sec of State. The man himself of the Podesta emails where Assange exposed that Citibank and a group of billionaires picked Obama entire cabinet.

Completely funded by tax dollars and fake donors.

There is where you retirement money went..
You're literally parroting right-wing, echo chamber propaganda, then accusing the other side of what you're guilty of. That's called hypocrisy.

We are watching the dismantling of our constitution and democracy, with the world's richest man (a non-native immigrant, mind you) and his billionaire, robber baron friends taking our tax dollars to further enrich themselves and as our defacto president before our very eyes, and then convincing yourself it's a-okay because of some Clinton/Soros/'DeepState' propaganda you've been fed for the past 4 decades. How many billionaires comprise Trump's cabinet? And you're okay with it because they are MAGAs billionaires? "Your" billionaires?

They. Do. Not. Care. About. You. Or. Me.
Trump may distance himself from project 2025 but be has hired people that were directly involved in its creation.

One way or another (weather he admits it or not) project 2025 is influencing our current policy.
Is it actually influencing policy or does project 2025 just have some similar policy positions as Trump?

As it pertains to this topic of public lands whether one supports project 2025, the current administration, believes the admin is project 2025 or just has similar views on some things…

Where is the current admin policy that public lands should be sold or even in project 2025 does it state they should be sold, in which Randy uses as his “proof”?
You're literally parroting right-wing, echo chamber propaganda, then accusing the other side of what you're guilty of. That's called hypocrisy.

We are watching the dismantling of our constitution and democracy, with the world's richest man (a non-native immigrant, mind you) and his billionaire, robber baron friends taking our tax dollars to further enrich themselves and as our defacto president before our very eyes, and then convincing yourself it's a-okay because of some Clinton/Soros/'DeepState' propaganda you've been fed for the past 4 decades. How many billionaires comprise Trump's cabinet? And you're okay with it because they are MAGAs billionaires? "Your" billionaires?

They. Do. Not. Care. About. You. Or. Me.
@realunlucky - appears the point referenced in this post from eleven hours ago has been reached.
You're literally parroting right-wing, echo chamber propaganda, then accusing the other side of what you're guilty of. That's called hypocrisy.

We are watching the dismantling of our constitution and democracy, with the world's richest man (a non-native immigrant, mind you) and his billionaire, robber baron friends taking our tax dollars to further enrich themselves and as our defacto president before our very eyes, and then convincing yourself it's a-okay because of some Clinton/Soros/'DeepState' propaganda you've been fed for the past 4 decades. How many billionaires comprise Trump's cabinet? And you're okay with it because they are MAGAs billionaires? "Your" billionaires?

They. Do. Not. Care. About. You. Or. Me.

whoa…they really got you. this is high level crazy. have a good one.
whoa…they really got you. this is high level crazy. have a good one.

what the last 40 days has really exposed for me is how conditioned people have become to accept a collapsing country.

we got proof that our tax money is being used to control the way we think for liberal interests through media and NGOs. literally our own money being used to pay journalists to push whatever it is they want pushed. and people aren’t mad and continue to ask for more.

this same fake tax payer system pushed the entire green energy lie, funds wildlife groups, got politicians involved in state wildlife departments, funds groups like BHA and Randy to craft some sky is falling outrage every period when they lose power.

when they get power we lose hunting rights, hunting decisions such as wolves and bear seasons, we see our land destroyed by solar, etc.

and they don’t say a word.

enough of these people.
Suggested reading: this post.
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