Have any of you pulled on the power pulls and had them immediately slip back to there original position and not grab? Am I doing something wrong?
Have any of you pulled on the power pulls and had them immediately slip back to there original position and not grab? Am I doing something wrong?
I’m not a giant fan of the other bags.
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Crickets now that Wyatt dropped the hammer in here.
Nothing is to be gained by further posts. I find it a little embarrassing that this happens on Rokslide. I would expect more from our forum members. I asked for help. One person in the thread actually did that. I do not need anyone to tell me what I should or should not like in my packs. I think the belt on the SG is crap. You guys obviously like it. That is great. I am very grateful to have so many options. I love the bag and have no clue about the frame yet. I would ask that if you have nothing of value to add to the thread which, again, was about help with the belt then stay out of it. I have spoken with SG they were very courteous as I expected they would be but had no offering for a solution. Wyatt was nothing but condescending. Again, I appreciate the help sr80.
Hey man my intent was not to be condescending, sorry; I think that can add to the thread still. I’m not a fan of seeing product bad mouthed on here, because it sticks around, and people latch onto that. I sincerely appreciate you editing your post. I actually did agree with you and really had the same exact problem when I got the frame. But I called SG and spoke to Kurt, andafter some use in the field I found my concerns were easily fixed. Again sorry, I read epic fail and went nuclear because I don’t think your personal opinion gives you the right to declare a product you just got as a failure to the masses. But you certainly brought forth some valid points.
As for actual help - the belt was designed to tension down on itself as you tighten so unbuckling is the easiest way to loosen. You can try to grab the trislide on the side closest to the buckle to change the angle like a duckbill (brown one in the thread) and that kind of works. But unbuckling is easier. Not everyone is cool with that and it’s totally legitimate to bring it up.
Take care - James
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I just received my sky guide 7900 and I do not understand the pulls. Every other pack I have owned with "power pulls"(kuiu, Seek, EXO, Kifaru) allows me to loosen the belt while still buckled and cinched. On the SG it will not loosen unless you A. unbuckle it and pull both the buckle and the adjustor or B. remove the strap from the adjustor and just use it as a non "power pull". Am I missing something? I love the bag but this is most likely a deal breaker for me as I almost always need to loosen one side or the other to properly adjust the belt when I fist put it on.
loosen it all the way before you put it on and then once it is on tighten it down to comfort. They make it that way so when you're walking the belt will not be able to loosen up. I have had plenty of packs where the belt always gets loose after a little bit of walking. The design is meant for that not to happen. It only takes a second to unbuckle and buckle it back up.