Severe Tendonitis anyone??

I dealt with bad elbow tendonitis all through first half of the year. Pain seemed to move all around the elbow, changing almost daily. I couldn't lift anything without bad pain. Tried treating it myself (rest, stretching, gentle massage, ice, etc.) and nothing worked. I got desperate enough to go to a chiropractor thinking maybe something was out of place and the fix might relieve the elbow enough to let it heal.

He assessed it and decided to do some Graston (scraping) on the area. It wasn't the best feeling in the world but it provided immediate relief. His guess was about 3 more treatments and the issue would be resolved.
The scraping mixed with at home forearm stretches and a couple of acupuncture treatments of the elbow and I have been pain free for months.

I agree with the comments above, the issue is poor blood flow to the elbow area. The scraping and acupuncture really freed up the surrounding tissue and stimulated blood flow to the area. I would highly recommend taking this route for anyone having elbow issues! The elbow pain is debilitating but surgery should be a last resort, in my uneducated opinion...
I dealt with bad elbow tendonitis all through first half of the year. Pain seemed to move all around the elbow, changing almost daily. I couldn't lift anything without bad pain. Tried treating it myself (rest, stretching, gentle massage, ice, etc.) and nothing worked. I got desperate enough to go to a chiropractor thinking maybe something was out of place and the fix might relieve the elbow enough to let it heal.

He assessed it and decided to do some Graston (scraping) on the area. It wasn't the best feeling in the world but it provided immediate relief. His guess was about 3 more treatments and the issue would be resolved.
The scraping mixed with at home forearm stretches and a couple of acupuncture treatments of the elbow and I have been pain free for months.

I agree with the comments above, the issue is poor blood flow to the elbow area. The scraping and acupuncture really freed up the surrounding tissue and stimulated blood flow to the area. I would highly recommend taking this route for anyone having elbow issues! The elbow pain is debilitating but surgery should be a last resort, in my uneducated opinion...
Acupuncture has never worked for me and I've probably had 10 different practitioners take that as a personal challenge. All failed, some actually got mad at me lol.

Scraping is a tremendous therapy, it worked wonders on my lower back several years ago.

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Bring this back from the dead.. i have some pretty severe elbow pain, definitely from overuse. I do construction, shoot my 70lb bow almost everyday and workout alot. Was never sore for more than a day or so and was never an issue. What pushed it over the edge im pretty sure was doing anywhere from 100-350 pullups per day along with several ring muscle ups and sets of dips, for several months, and lots of pushups daily, like 200-400 in sets of 50 with hardly any rest days for any of it(stupid, i know). It was like the pain just came outta nowhere one day tho. I can still shoot my bow thank god but im sure its not helping it, since the arm that hurts is my release hand that has to do all the pulling and bending. I used to shoot alot more arrows but now only try to shoot about 5-20ish per day max.

I currently have full range of motion and have been trying not to use it as much as reasonably possible, but i kinda feel like im just "maintaining" the injury at this point, through massaging it, ice/heat and stretching and doing mild grip strength excercises. I have small windows where it doesnt hurt so bad(only hurts if i actually squeeze/massage the forearm muscles and funny bone area) and am having less and less of what i consider bad days(cant even use said arm to underhand toss sticks and balls for dog, hurts to fully bend elbow). Since i cant realistically stop working and i dont want to stop shooting the bow for more than a few days at a time i realize it will extend the healing.

Im still young and dumb and should know better than to push it, since i slipped 2 discs simultaneously years ago when i was like 21, while trying to push a big tree off a forklift that didnt slide off.. then neglected it for months since i happened to gear my quad super bad and couldnt bend my leg at all for about 4 months straight. Back probably wont ever be the same but i consider myself mostly recovered from it, though i do still have bad back days occasionally. Took a few years of hard work and major pain to somewhat overcome the back problems and have more good days than bad, im sure mostly due to my job and active lifestyle. When i dealt with the back pain i tried chiropractors, injections, acupuncture, massage and typical RICE methods with minimal results. What turned the tide was going to physical therapy and REALLY getting diligent on the excercises, stretches and i eventually just started running a few miles per day, pushing through the first couple weeks of pain.

Sorry for the long post guys, but im really hoping for some feedback on stuff that worked for you guys and if it did solve the problems long term at all. I want to nip this in the bud. Im specifically interested in the scraping, and even the bee sting thing lol. We have bees at my in laws farm so i could really get stung as much as i want to or could handle haha. I'll be doing more research as i already have been but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Ive never broken a single bone or even had a bloody nose my entire life, even when i get hit in the nose lol. Seems like if i do get hurt its always something long term and slow healing with little recourse, such as my back injury, the severely torn quad muscle and now this damned elbow pain! So frustrating

Ok rant over
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Bee-sting therapy.
Buddy had severe medial epicondylitis, could no longer shoot a bow his elbow was so painful.
Grilling on the barbecue for a charity event, a bee happened to sting him on the back of hand. He felt the "heat" go up his arm and woke up the next day with ZERO pain. Totally clear ever since.

Googled bee sting therapy and IT's a thing, apparently low cost and it works.

Any idea if your buddy still swears by this? I have access to bees lol
Recent study found that 15grams Gelatin (1tbsp) taken with Vit C (juice of some sort) increase collagen sythesis. So helps with joints, ligaments, tendons etc. It's a cheap way to supplement for joints. Look into Fish oils and glucosamine supplements as well to help.
Vitamin C is so important for cartilage. It acts like an enzyme and is consumed in cartilage production and repair.
I have “golfers elbow” in my left elbow. My bow arm. Need to figure it out.

I heard dry needling works well for tendinitis?
I tried the usual pt, steroid injections and anti-inflammatory meds for my elbow tendonitis, and I found that peptide therapy solved my issue at least for now. Bpc-157 is what I used and ended two years of misery. It really sucked shooting my bow and that was the major factor that made me get it done. It took a couple weeks to start to feel it and within a month I was %80 better, and another month I was pain free. I'd do it again for sure.
My wife is bringing me a few bees tomorrow lol im gonna give it a whirl but have low expectations

My friend is a chiropractor and he's recommending i get a TENS unit, and continue doin what ive been doin. He sent me a link to this one. He's used them on my back at his office and i think it did help get the blood moving

TENS Unit Muscle Stimulator for Pain Relief, 4 Channels Etekcity Recha...
He does.
You can Google it.

Hope you find a solution!


My wife is bringing me home 3 live bees from her parents hives any minute lol, we'll see how it goes
I had it so bad I couldn't turn the key in the ignition. Believe it or not, the solution for me for four years now has been a forearm band. Paid $20 at the local grocery store and I only wear it occasionally when it flares up.

Problem is it's too simple and it was only after the third recommendation from people who work with their hands that I tried it.
I have “golfers elbow” in my left elbow. My bow arm. Need to figure it out.

I heard dry needling works well for tendinitis?

Do the golfers elbow pin firing technique previously mentioned. Ice, rest, NSAIDS etc will make your elbow feel better until you start shooting your bow again then it will most likely flare right back up. If you really want to get rid of it do 10 sets of 3 chin ups every 5 days, working up to around 25 sets of 5. Will suck the first few times but eventually you'll notice your elbows feel fine and shooting your bow doesn't flare it up anymore.
I've had shoulder issues for about 14 months so far.
Did 6 weeks of PT so could get MRI. Tendonitis.

Hurt real bad for months - not able to sleep thru night, etc. Shot made a world of difference. Still have limited mobility and pain after I use it too much. But can sleep now.

Also get gout. Figure it's connected.
Lost use of my elbow for about 4 or so weeks due to gout and had to do PT to extend arm. That was incredibly painful.
Started taking gout meds.
Gotta change eating habits some more (more water, less carbs) and see if shoulder gets better.
Been figuring this out little by little - 3 months at a time.
Update: one of the 3 bees died in transit lol. Used the 2 remaining on the funny bone and brachioradialis(?)muscle last night and i actually think its helping some. Arm has 100% tattoo coverage so i cant tell if it got red but it did swell a bit, hoping it helped get blood moving around and triggered some kind of anti inflammatory response. Pain in the funny bone when i bend my elbow fully and twist my wrist is way less than before the sting. The only spot that hurts the same is the spot i didn't get to sting. Sounded strange at first and there isnt much recent research besides anecdotal testimony online that i could find, but this has provided more relief than anything else ive tried so far, but i still have some other stuff i need to try

Sounds like others have had worse pain, and for longer than me but I've never experienced this and i hate feeling like all my progress strength training my upper body over the years is going down the drain.. my TENS unit is arriving today and I'll add that into the regiment and see how it goes
I’ll try the bee thing. Just
Do the golfers elbow pin firing technique previously mentioned. Ice, rest, NSAIDS etc will make your elbow feel better until you start shooting your bow again then it will most likely flare right back up. If you really want to get rid of it do 10 sets of 3 chin ups every 5 days, working up to around 25 sets of 5. Will suck the first few times but eventually you'll notice your elbows feel fine and shooting your bow doesn't flare it up anymore.
ok Thanks. I’ll try the chin up technique. I rest and ice etc and it feels better but after shooting it’s sore again.
I have one of these same ones and i feel like its the same as the ones for your calf for sciatica. All they do is help block the pain temporarily while you wear it and they dont actually promote healing at all from my understanding, but i may be wrong. I read somewhere that they might actually block bloodflow which is the opposite of what you want to happen i think. If someone with more knowledge has ant opinions im all ears. I'll ask my chiropractor buddy about them
These are simple strap type tennis elbow braces of various kinds which are wrapped around the forearm just below the elbow. Some have additional pressure pads which are meant to sit on the muscle just below the point of pain on the elbow.

They work by compressing the upper forearm and absorbing the forces which are transmitted through the soft tissues to the point of pain on the outside of the elbow. They also change the angle at which the tendon works at the elbow which changes the forces which are applied to the tendon attachment allowing the injured area time to recover.
Thanks, im gonna try this for sure now. I did do some chin ups last week anyway to see where im at, backed off since it hurt the next day. This method sounds wrong but its essentially the same thing i did for my 2 slipped discs. After years of agony and all the typical treatments that went nowhere.. i just started running long distance and lifting. Hurt like hell for a week then just got better somehow lol