Semi Live Backcountry Blacktail Hunt 2019

Almost forgot the weapon of choice for this trip:

Hoyt Carbon Defiant
Gold Tip Pro Hunters
Sevr 100 grain 2.1’s

And yes I know I only have five arrows. That is because I only have five Sevr’s and I now get to save 450 grains off my total set up!


If you can’t get it done with five, you probably can’t get it done

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On the road; I figure about 10 hours of driving, hiking, pumping water and setting up camp. So if all goes well about 4pm this afternoon to be settled into my first camp.
O man , I’m excited for you , hope they put themselves in a position so u can sneak in there kitchen , good luck man , I pumped for u 👊
So the full moon has the deer heading to their beds early. Turned up three nice shooters in the first hour and the were gone in minutes.

Going to move camp down to the lake around noon, do some fishing and then have a couple ideas to try and get on these bucks.