Selway Air Traffic


Mar 11, 2020
Not specific to elk but wondering if anyone has any insight on the number of people flying into the wilderness during hunting season. On OnX the airstrip looks about like a CO trailhead.
I've always wondered how many flights/week the various Selway and Frank Church airstrips see. When he packed in they seemed very, very busy.
Take a minute and thank (even in PM on here) the multiple Frank/Selway YouTubers that have hundreds of thousands of views. What do you expect? They are extremely crowded and locals stay clear for a reason.
I flew into indian creek in september and hunting was not even on the mind. Whitewater kayaking the middle fork of the salmon was on the agenda. Lots of recreationalist utilize those air strips.
I flew into Fish Lake, ID airstrip out of Orifino in 2005. Back when elk still existed back there. Even then , there were camps lined up and down the strip.