Kinda outstanding in my opinion. I have nothing but good things to say about it and it's level of configuration. I'm constantly screwing with packs and I've used a S.O. for the the last 4 years.
I'm hoping for a weapon carry system and honestly a bag like the fulcrum or some other bat wing design that compresses well.
I have one I just got this spring. I have only used it around the place here with about 70lbs in it with no complaints. So far I actually like the hip belt and lumbar pad(or lack of one) better than my kifaru.
Sold my kifaru when I tried the seekoutside belt and frame system in a weekend backpacking trip. All I use now. So much more comfort. Now I have 4 setups!
Thanks guys I really appreciate the feedback. I just received my revolution and 4800 bag. I am planning on a scouting trip this next week but I haven't hauled any weight in it yet.
You will dial in the fit. It is a mixture of harness height, loss lifter lioness vs shoulder strap tightness. If it is pulling loosen things up. Very minimal adjustments since the system moves with your movements.
I have one, used it last season and trained extensively with it. I have put many miles on it with over 70+ lbs. It wears well and doesn't tear up your shoulders or hips. It is very rugged and extremely well made. I can't recommend one enough!
Superior comfort wise to Anything out there and my list is a mile long!! Thanks to a final nudge from Brian (blgoode) I made the move. I will NEVER own a pack with a huge lumbar pad again. Simply amazing.
I am super excited to get out this week and put some miles in the revolution. I have an old back fracture that seems to plague me with most other brand packs. Hoping the revolution being a completely different approach will make my back happy. I am a little concerned initially by the lack of horizontal support. I thought the cross stays would offer more support towards barreling
For me the comfort it offers the the movement that the system allows you to have. It isn't rigid like my MR and Kifaru were. So you have to let the pack carry the load but don't think of it comparing it to other packs. My kifaru I was compressing the load more for example because it was like a board on my back so it didn't matter. With the seekoutside the movement the frame gives you does mean that you have to load it and allow the load to fill the bag instead of pull the contents into the back of the pack like you are more used to doing.
If you feel it barreling, simply take pack off and lessen the compression and readjust the load to fill the pack bag. I often keep the compression straps mid tight before loading and that keeps the load going up instead of load the bag and then try and suck it all down. It is just learning to use the system to give you perks other systems can't and adapt to their system in another way.
I have an original evolution and upgraded the frame to revolution. I got one of their first production models. I love mine and have had over 100lbs in it many times. I've used and owned Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Exo and Stone Glacier but eventually sold them all because I can't find anything better. I'm intrigued by the new SG X-frame but haven't pulled the trigger yet because I can't justify it. Really like my SO pack/frame.
Take your actual gear out and load it up. Don't overly compress it. Take it out and see what you think. Get the harness also a little lower than you think. Want the top of the U shape about 2" below the bone at base of neck that protrudes. If harness is too high or load lifeters too tight it pulls the harness up and odd as hell. Think of load lifters as pulling pack to your back and not lifting the straps up like other rigid shoulder straps. It takes very little adjustments to dial in the comfort.
I often loosen the shoulder straps (not lifters) as little as 1/2" and that's all I need to loose that "tight" feeling.