Seekins Havak Element LOP fix


Dec 16, 2022
A buddy has an Element and found it to be about 1/2” too long LOP for him. He reached out to Seekins to see if they offer a thinner recoil pad but no dice.
I told him that I would give it a whirl and would put a Pachmayr 1/2” grind to fit on it without altering the stock.
I designed a 3D bridge allowing us to shift hole location and thinned a lag bolt to install while allowing the pad to remain flush. Couldn’t find any threads or videos of anyone doing something similar so I thought I’d post in case someone else is finding a need for a shorter LOP when the grind to fit pad hole locations don’t line up with a hollow stock.
I’m no gunsmith but it turned out OK.IMG_7693.jpegIMG_7694.jpegIMG_7695.jpegIMG_7696.jpegIMG_7691.jpegIMG_7690.jpeg