Seekins 6.5 prc problems

My buddy has an Element in 6.5 PRC. I liked his so much I got a PH2 in 6.5 PRC and really like it. We have found that his rifle shows pressure a lot earlier than mine. Depends on the powder but he is usually 1.5-2 grains less than me when he gets heavy bolt lift and stuff. I don't think the element can take the pressure compared to the PH2, but I am not an expert.

I guess it would boil down to the simple fact that if Seekins replaced the rifle and it shot like you expect it to, would you be happy with the rifle? If so, maybe go PH2 or a different caliber and get the replacement.

But, at the end of the day if you wouldn't be happy with the replacement shooting well then get the refund and build something.
I put a down payment on a hit M3 with Europtics, said it might take two or three months. Did Glen tell you how long to get yours?
I put a down payment on a hit M3 with Europtics, said it might take two or three months. Did Glen tell you how long to get yours?
He did notvl give me a time, he did give me his cell number and it's took every bit of self control I have not to send him a text. Lol