I've had good success with my Zebralight, don't remember the model, but the light beam is excellent. Zebra Light has some awesome lenses, a step above the majority of lights I've used. I've used mine during a number of torrential downpours and never had water ingress issues. I used to have some of the older Petzls, good reflectors and beam pattern, but the separate battery compartment and wiring ended up having moisture damage and stopped working. I used them for night backcountry skiing, so they regularly saw temperatures that swung above and below zero, and were often packed with snow.
I have a few handhelds that I've used on my sailboat and a couple things I've learned. Ensure the beam pattern is a spot and is very well focused. When the lights can produce as much light as these can, any stray light can reflect off of moisture in the air and it's like trying to look thru fog. The other thing to look for is the battery and how long the lights can actually produce the high light output. I'd suggest an 18650 battery at a minimum and preferably multiple 18650 or an a similar larger battery pack