Had some time to set it up in the yard today and play around with it a little next to my cimarron light. Here are my thoughts and some questions.. Hopefully
@RyanSeek43 can address some of my concerns/mistakes/questions..
Noticed right away that its a little more difficult to set up than the cimarron. Without having a big zippered door, you have to kinda crawl under it to put the center pole in. And since the corners are already staked down, you definitely have to crawl. I suppose thats how some of their other zipperless door tents are, but I don't have any experience with them.
It was a little breezy today and the air was definitely blowing up under the fabric more than my cimarron light with the sod skirts, but I was able to get it a little tighter to the ground by lowering the center pole one click and widening out my base a little. The pic below shows what it looked like at first. I was using the stake loops and not the line locks. I wish it had sod skirts, but I guess it's no different than most of their other tents. The floor liner would solve that problem, but I honestly don't see myself buying one.
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Much more room than my cimarron. not only does the vestibule add square footage, but the fact that the wall doesn't come straight down from the center post makes all that space in there between the poles available.
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The door - One of my hang-ups.. its a reach to get it open from the inside, but I understand there isn't anything else they could've done there - a zipper would be the same way. And I thought I was doing something wrong since I feel like I could only get the door open about 75% of the way (pic below), but I noticed the same thing in all of Seek Outsides videos. I'm not positive, but I might prefer just a zippered door - at least it would open all the way.
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@Bearsears asked about getting the door to pitch all the way to the ground. I messed with where the stake loop is in the door cordage and was able to get the door to close down pretty snug to the ground. Sorry, I should've taken an exterior picture.
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I've also noticed in a few of Seek's videos that the ridgeline between the two poles has a sag to it (rather than being a straight line). Mine today was a straight line. Not sure if I was doing something wrong there?
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Im also not sure if I found the perfect place for my gear inside the tent - if you put your stuff in the vestibule, you have to crawl over it to get out, or reach over it to get the door open. I suppose it'll just be something I figure out when the time comes.
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I didn't try guying it out at all since I didn't want to mess with the included cordage until I am positive I'm going to keep it.