Second DIY pack and frame finished just in time


Jun 27, 2016
Argyle, Tx
Last year, I posted a build-along for a pack and frame build I did. you can find it here:

I'm leaving in about 3 weeks for my first elk hunt and needed a larger frame and bag than the one I built last year. No build-along this time, I just finished the bag late last night. I'll take some better pictures, but wanted to share. 26" frame, Same mix of kifaru frame sheet with an HPG style harness. Bag is a pretty good match to the Reckoning. I've got to get a couple of more pouches to add and totally finish up. Nothing like going down to the wire.




Wow. Just read the entire thread from the first build. Skills my man.

I've finally got a decent working machine, so I'm getting the itch to start on a bag for my duplex. Thanks for the inspiration.
Another astounding effort!

So did you make any significant changes to the design of the frame from the last one?

did you use the same harness and belt that you made last time?
That is great work, really well done. The seams look to be executed very well, you should be proud of that bag. On the other hand the bar has been raised for wanting to post some of my own DIY projects, I think I will need to up my skill before that happens lol!
Another astounding effort!

So did you make any significant changes to the design of the frame from the last one?

did you use the same harness and belt that you made last time?

Nothing crazy different. The frame is mostly just stretched 4". Couple minor tweaks. But nothing functional. lumbar pad is the biggest difference. Still the same idea, But modified to get more padding in there and a larger surface for the no-slip material.

I'm using the same belt and harness from before for now. I need to make a second belt so each frame has one. And I want to make a non padded harness as an option as well. Just low on time.
what kinda cost do you have in this system? I think its one of the neatest and cleanest packs Ive seen! Absolutely Awsome......

what did it come in at weight wise?

I'll have to go check. The first frame and bag came in around #3.5 I think, if memory serves me right (could be way off, but I do remember it was actually lighter than a 22" kifaru frame + tahr setup). I would assume this one is a bit more, just a lot more fabric and hardware.
what kinda cost do you have in this system? I think its one of the neatest and cleanest packs Ive seen! Absolutely Awsome......

hard to tell, but I bought around $600 of cordura, spandura, xpe foam, zippers, hardware, webbing, etc last year. two bags and frames done. I probably have enough fabric for another, but would need some extra hardware. Now if you're counting time investment... nvm I don't even want to think about it.
Rushing through these. Almost done. 3 more pouches/pockets and 2 grab-its and I'll be done. A little sick of the sewing machine at this point and I know my wife is too...

I'll share a pick of my set-up when it's all together

What material did you use for the pullouts? I'm digging the orange. For sale?

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1.9oz coated ripstop from rockywoods.

Sorry. Not planning on selling much. This is fun, but the truth is, with one baby and another on the way, the cost vs time doesn't work out. I couldn't keep the cost down from what Kifaru sells at to make it worth it. Maybe if I invested in a clicker press to cut them out and a better machine 😂

Check with pods8 on this forum though. He runs rugged stitching and I'm sure he could do exactly this.