Scott Focus release


Jan 28, 2016
I picked up a Scott Focus release the other day used on ebay. I've been having target panic the last couple years, each year it gets worse, I've read backtension can help. I'll still hunt with a trigger release. Anyway my question is, I can't figure out how the thing works. There's a half moon in there and a set screw you can tread in and out, but the release won't fire under any tension at any setscrew setting (all the way in or all the way out). I did a quick youtube search but nothing popped up. Does anyone know of reference? Scott so far hasn't responded to any emails, and with work I don't get a chance to call during business hrs.
Mar 6, 2013
Are you rotating the head around the moon? Have you tried picking the moon to a different location? John Dudley has some good videos on how to set up the 2 Smooth release which is very different from the Focus but it will help explain how a binge release works and how to use it.


Sep 14, 2018
It's been a while but I shot a focus for a bit. It was too big and heavy for my liking but it functions exactly like most Scott's. It has the set screw like you mentioned but that just locks the moon in place. You loosen the set screw and then rotate the moon one way or the other a little at a time then tighten the screw back up. A little bit can go a long way so use some Paracord with a dloop tied to it to check the speed before using it on the bow. You can also push out a pin and flip the moon so it has a click or smooth, depending on how it's set now. Scott's aren't micro adjust so it's just trial and error to set to the correct speed. I'll try to attach a pic of a longhorn, it functions the same as the focus.97358


Aug 22, 2014
Connersville, IN
Had one of these releases. Great release. Sounds like your not rotating the release correctly. Something I would try to get some comfort is to get some string and set the length of it like your bow at full draw and practice firing the release that way. But be careful as the release will be much more hairy on a bow with the holding weight. Look up Nock On Archery on Youtube. John Dudley does a setup for this. Super simple and a cheap training tool. It will help you gain some confidence before trying it on a bow. I would also download the manual for setting up that release. Which direction to rotate the moon for a hotter setting to a slower setting for the feel you desire when shooting.


Jan 28, 2016
Thanks guys, I little bit of dudley and a little bit more general youtube and I was able to figure it out. I'm definitely an idiot. I wasn't rotating enough and didn't understand how to adjust the moon. Now that I "get it" I can't believe i didn't get it right off the bat. I feel dumb for sure. Sweet release, but holy cow my brain freaks out not knowing exactly when it will go off. I'm glad I got it, I think a few months of practice is really going to help me