Scope Recommendation - 400 yards

Seems to me like you will most likely not find a scope that makes you happy. I have also been guilty of ignoring sage advice because I thought I knew what I wanted. Good luck in your search.
Of your options I would choose NF most likely. I am planning on retiring my Zeiss after this season after it got bumped off zero for the second time.

Im not sure any of the will get you the low light performance you want but the NF will hold zero.

I dont have personal experience with any of those specific models as I shoot lower magnification but from a maker perspective NF would get my vote.
Seems every thread is getting taken in a different direction lately. Guy is asking about 3 scopes, he has narrowed it down to. He specifically asks if anyone has any experience with said scopes. Then he gets met with all kinds of guys telling him, that is not what he wants or needs..... Now if he asked "is this a good scope for my intended purpose, or would you recommend others?" then I would expect the answers in this thread.

Honestly, it seems insane how hard it is to just get this simple feedback.
Seems every thread is getting taken in a different direction lately. Guy is asking about 3 scopes, he has narrowed it down to. He specifically asks if anyone has any experience with said scopes. Then he gets met with all kinds of guys telling him, that is not what he wants or needs..... Now if he asked "is this a good scope for my intended purpose, or would you recommend others?" then I would expect the answers in this thread.
Hes a troll. He was on a different forum a few days ago saying he wanted this scope for his UML muzzleloader.
So if the size of the image projected is based on the Obj diameter divided by the magnification, wouldn't increasing the size of the objective diameter (for a fixed magnification) improve the quality?

Maybe I can keep 4-16x (probably will go up to maybe 20) but go from 50mm to 56mm or greater.

Objective diameter vs magnification, yes. Tube diameter is irrelevant.

Just out of curiosity, why do you want such high magnification for such (relatively) short hunting distance?

I am genuinely curious. I’m actually going the opposite direction with my hunting scopes, for multiple reasons already mentioned in the thread. I shoot out to 1 mile and I can’t recall any time that I have used over 16-18x magnification.

If you are genuinely interested in another ATACR I have a 5-25x56 MIL XT that I am selling to buy a 4-20 MIL C version.
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The size of the image projected onto your eye is the Objective diameter divided by the magnification, this is called exit pupil. If the exit pupil size is smaller than your pupil the perceived image quality will degrade. Low light pupil size varies by individual but for adults is typically 4-5mm. This is independent from % light transmission. Raising the magnification will decrease the exit pupil size.
I'm not a math professor. So correct me if I'm wrong. Lets say he gets the 7-35x56. 7 is minimum magnification. 56 is the objective in millimeters. 7 goes into 56 8x. So if the scope was at 7x you would have an 8mm exit pupil. Seems plenty for low light since you yourself say adults pupil size is 4-5mm.

So what is he gaining in lowlight performance going to a different scope unless it actually has better coatings?
For 35 yrs, I killed game out to 600 yards. Now I'm not as steady and 400 yards is the farthest I'll shoot at game. I've never turned a scope past 10x for a shot, even though I have some nice scopes from 12x to 20x.
For a 400 yard scope, I'd buy a Trijicon Accupoint 2.5-10x56 with amber dot for $650ish unless I could legally shoot past 30 minutes after sunset.
I'm not a math professor. So correct me if I'm wrong. Lets say he gets the 7-35x56. 7 is minimum magnification. 56 is the objective in millimeters. 7 goes into 56 8x. So if the scope was at 7x you would have an 8mm exit pupil. Seems plenty for low light since you yourself say adults pupil size is 4-5mm.

So what is he gaining in lowlight performance going to a different scope unless it actually has better coatings?
An FFP Nightforce reticle is going to be awfully thin at 7x of a 7-35x.
An FFP Nightforce reticle is going to be awfully thin at 7x of a 7-35x.
Too bad it’s not illuminated….

12x go’s into 56 4.5x. So you are still in the 4-5mm adult pupil size at 12x. Is the reticle too thin there? Funny you said absolutely zero about the reticle in your first post. It was all exit pupil, etc.
Too bad it’s not illuminated….

12x go’s into 56 4.5x. So you are still in the 4-5mm adult pupil size at 12x. Is the reticle too thin there? Funny you said absolutely zero about the reticle in your first post. It was all exit pupil, etc.
Because the OP didn’t understand any basic optical compromises so I wasn’t going to go into the half dozen other reasons they are heading towards the wrong optic.

It’s not an accident that rokslide is looking for a relatively low power, modest zoom ratio scope with a FFP reticle visible at all magnifications without illumination.
For 35 yrs, I killed game out to 600 yards. Now I'm not as steady and 400 yards is the farthest I'll shoot at game. I've never turned a scope past 10x for a shot, even though I have some nice scopes from 12x to 20x.
For a 400 yard scope, I'd buy a Trijicon Accupoint 2.5-10x56 with amber dot for $650ish unless I could legally shoot past 30 minutes after sunset.

Oh my Lord chief, who the hell cares? I couldn't give 2 shits less that you've used less powerful scopes.

I am asking about (3) specific scopes. How in the hell is that so hard for people to weigh in on?
I am asking about (3) specific scopes. How in the hell is that so hard for people to weigh in on?
Because you came to a detailed optics forum as an newbie, people tried to help you when it was widely considered your choices were ill suited for the application and you didn’t listen when a dozen different people tried to help you.