Scope fogging after the shot


Feb 25, 2020
I have had a Leupold VX6 2-12 since they introduced them 10 or so years ago. It’s currently on my Tikka 30-06. The last few years after I shoot it, it fogs up so I can’t see the target. I wait 20-30 seconds and it clears up so I can shoot again. Always thought it was just heat off the barrel but now that I have a Trijicon Accupoint on another rifle I realize something is wrong with the Leupold. I called customer service and he said it’s my eyes that are bad but I should send it in anyway. I’ll be sending it in but does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
Sep 15, 2020
It’s internally.

And yeah I just laughed when he said it was my eyes.

That's hilarious. The only way for a scope to fogging internally is to:

1. Lose seal, causing it to have Earth Atmosphere instead of Nitrogen gas (some companies use Argon).
2. For the scope to be somewhere cold enough that nitrogen condenses.

Since nitrogen condenses around-200 deg Celsius, unless you were calling them from one of Saturn's moons, it's probably number 1.