Hey all! Curious if anyone has an issue with this waterproofing in scarpa boots. I originally ordered a pair Charmoz and broke them in scouting for the wife’s sheep hunt. They were awesome, never had an issue. Went to Alaska to help my brother in law on a caribou hunt and on the second day of a 9 day hunt they leaked like a screen door on a submarine through the tongues. Scarpa replaced them. Broke in the new pair and wore them on a December coues hunt in AZ. Got some rain and after about a mile of being in wet grass I could feel my feet getting wet through the tongues. Double checked them in the bathtub when I got home and within 2 minutes my feet were getting wet. Scarpa said this is concerning as I’ve had the problem twice and they don’t see it often. They said they will replace them with another pair of charmoz or I can choose another model. The charmoz have been super comfortable but I definitely have my hesitation with the hdry system. Which is odd, I have some kuiu items with hdry and have had no issues. Guessing there’s a flaw in their process.
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