
What's your idea of 'backcountry'? I don't carry a saw in my backpack for skull capping. I typically knife cut the jaw and vertebrae off. If I'm packing a heavy load the extra few pounds of the skull (hide on or skinned out) is not really a big deal. I have a Bahco bow saw in the truck. I have a Wyoming saw also but the blade is pretty short, it's hard to get a good throw on a cutting thrust with it. It's really too heavy to carry everywhere.
Not as extreme as most. I go in 3-6 miles depending on the unit. I’ve never taken a saw before but thought about taking an 8” would saw and hoping it could pull double duty for small logs and the skull. Just taking the top part of the skull might be a better idea. Mainly wanting to try the saw as some states are making the law that you can’t transport a skull across them unless you boil it
I also dropped the saw years ago. I can skin off and remove the head and lower jaw with just a havalon. Leave the saw work for camp if you want to do a little cleanup.

I used to carry the Wyoming 2 but the back bar does make it difficult(for me)on an elk anyway. If I talked myself into a saw, it would need a big backspace or just a ridgid blade.
Not as extreme as most. I go in 3-6 miles depending on the unit. I’ve never taken a saw before but thought about taking an 8” would saw and hoping it could pull double duty for small logs and the skull. Just taking the top part of the skull might be a better idea. Mainly wanting to try the saw as some states are making the law that you can’t transport a skull across them unless you boil it
I don't think an 8" will do you much good. You'll be there forever trying to skull cap that sucker. I'd pack a big saw in the truck and cut it there if needed.
I typically knife cut the jaw and vertebrae off. If I'm packing a heavy load the extra few pounds of the skull (hide on or skinned out) is not really a big deal. .....

I typically do that^

But its best to read the regs as states are changing their requirements on this; if you are in NM....they require you to cap them in the field. Then soak in Bleach for a time before taking the skull out of state.

BTW, a dedicated bone saw or Carbide blade works much better than a wood saw blade.

I use a folding jib saw. They take saws all blades...I carry a blade for wood and a metal blade for bone. 20 bucks or something like that.