Savage 220

Remington Accutips are what shoots best in mine. Usually around 1.5 inches , sometimes better at 100.
I tried other sabots but the Accutips were the best.
The 220 will thump your shoulder for sure though.
Remington accutip and you’re ready to go. I have a Nikon slug hunter 3-9 on mine. It’s been a good scope so far. They do punish the shoulder! Good luck
Nikon slug scope was the only scope at the time I could get to hold zero, I couldn’t figure out what was going on with accuracy after going through $200 worth of ammunition from different companies and two other scopes, Zeiss Terra and Leupold vx3 . Once I figured out what was going on and switched to the Nikon shotgun scope I had 1” moa or less with the federals.
As previously said, the Accutips are scary accurate through the 220. With that being said, I hunt with a 220 for 5 ish years and sold it when Illinois went to straight wall (450 BM). While it was very accurate, the Accutips rarely went through both sides of the deer and the blood trails were poor.
I kept my Savage 220 for this reason. I go on a few out-of-state hunts where the state allows either shotguns or straight wall cartridges. In the areas I hunt there, the shot distance is pretty close, so I have not seen a need to sell the Savage and then buy a different straight-wall rifle, set it up, and sight it in. It is good out to 100-150 yards, so I've kept it. Not worth the farting around to set something else up to do the same thing as what I already have. (If I lived in one of those states, I would take a different approach.....but when it is a every-couple-of-years type of deal for a couple of days, I'll stick with what I got.)
I love mine. Very accurate and handles like a regular rifle. I tried just about every type of slug made and mine eats the Accutips the best by far.
I bought one last summer for my wife and got it sighted in a few weeks ago. They are very accurate guns and not too much recoil. I had slugs before we bought this gun since that’s the area we hunt but it has been very difficult to find more over the last few months. I put a leupold vx freedom 3-9×40 scope on it due to limited options available and I will say the glass is decent but the turrets are garbage. Very mushy to the point it was hard to tell the clicks and no point of reference on the base to see where you started at. If it wasn’t for the ammo issue I would have returned it and got something better.