Savage 220


Jun 3, 2024
Interested in getting a new slug gun for white tail deer hunting in shot gun only zones.

Interested in a savage 220 and pairing it with a 1x6 scope for close to medium range shots. Any tips on achieving the best precision out of this gun? With the cost sabot slugs, I'm thinking of using cheaper ammo for practice rounds during off season and then siting in the rifle with my hunting rounds come time for hunting season. Will this mess with the rifles accuracy? is it worth the hassle?
Remington Accu tips, and Federal Trophy copper shot sub moa in my 220 .
Whatever you do don’t bolt the gun quickly, they will jam.
I hit a 160-170 ” on OH public years ago, he was coming down a hill towards me and I shot right under his chest and hit his back leg, I bolted the rifle quick and the gun jammed as the deer hobbled down to 5 yards and then kept going as the gun wouldn’t cycle.
My 220 shoots 1-2" groups at 100 yards with Remington Accutip 3". The bolt can be finicky, cycle with authority and you shouldn't have any issues. Mine did fail to eject a spent shell on a gut shot buck a few years back and what should have been a 5 second ordeal putting another round into him turned into a longer process but I got him! It's the most accurate slug gun I've shot and I love the trigger, which greatly effects ones ability to shoot most slug guns accurately IMO. You can slap a rifled barrel on an 870 but it's still a shotgun trigger. Despite the plasticky magazine and chance of jamming (not ejecting spent case), I love mine! I've killed a dozen deer from 12 yards to 145 yards with it.
no, changing ammo should not affect anything. But I cant imagine wanting to "practice" that much with a slug gun, guess I'd rather practice with something easier on the shoulder. I'd probably shoot it enough to know how it functions and to run it easily in the moment, but for actual practice, ie skill-building in shooting, a 22rf, 223 or a light-recoiling centerfire rifle would be highly preferable imo. For that reason probably not worth that much effort to me.
I love mine. By far the best slug gun I have ever owned. Only thing is the clip is not great. Every time I have pulled the trigger the deer died, one shot. I have a 3 to 9 Leupold. It is scary accurate at 100 yards. Carry's like a rifle, I don't miss lugging my 1187 around that is for sure. nice to
Remington Accu tips, and Federal Trophy copper shot sub moa in my 220 .
Whatever you do don’t bolt the gun quickly, they will jam.
I hit a 160-170 ” on OH public years ago, he was coming down a hill towards me and I shot right under his chest and hit his back leg, I bolted the rifle quick and the gun jammed as the deer hobbled down to 5 yards and then kept going as the gun wouldn’t cycle.
Picked up a good quantity of Federal Trophy Coppers as they were the only ones available to me at the time and I'm a fan of shooting a full copper bullet. They cost me $27CDN for a box of 5.

I was able to get a bunch of the Browning Ammo BXS Sabot Slugs 20 Gauge 2.75" 3/4 oz. for practice as they cost around $17CDN a pack.
My 220 shoots 1-2" groups at 100 yards with Remington Accutip 3". The bolt can be finicky, cycle with authority and you shouldn't have any issues. Mine did fail to eject a spent shell on a gut shot buck a few years back and what should have been a 5 second ordeal putting another round into him turned into a longer process but I got him! It's the most accurate slug gun I've shot and I love the trigger, which greatly effects ones ability to shoot most slug guns accurately IMO. You can slap a rifled barrel on an 870 but it's still a shotgun trigger. Despite the plasticky magazine and chance of jamming (not ejecting spent case), I love mine! I've killed a dozen deer from 12 yards to 145 yards with it.
Awesome. I'll keep my eye on the jamming as a start shooting. Hoping it's a one shot kind of deal anyway when I'm hunting.
no, changing ammo should not affect anything. But I cant imagine wanting to "practice" that much with a slug gun, guess I'd rather practice with something easier on the shoulder. I'd probably shoot it enough to know how it functions and to run it easily in the moment, but for actual practice, ie skill-building in shooting, a 22rf, 223 or a light-recoiling centerfire rifle would be highly preferable imo. For that reason probably not worth that much effort to me.
Good point, I want to feel the recoil and really get to know the gun and then will likely put a few rounds through it here are there. Might be time to look for a coyote gun to practice with :)
Partition golds if you can find them. I have yet to find a more lethal deer slug. They shoot well from my 220. My second choice would be the accutips. Federal are okay.

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If you shoot cheap lead slugs plan on cleaning the lead out of the rifling. None of the sabots are cheap. But 10 shots of practice with 3inch accutips reminds you that your shoulder is softer than the buttpad.
Savage 220, best slug gun I've had. Super accurate w. Remington 3" Accutips out to 150 yds. A compact lightweight scope in the 2-7x32 range is perfect for it. The 220 carries well just like an ultralight rifle. Only reason I sold mine was that I moved out West, rifle country.
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Great gun. Fixed 4x Leupold has worked well so far out to 140 yards. Shooting Federal Trophy copper, same experience as @Joebe, one shot kills with really short blood trails.
Interested in getting a new slug gun for white tail deer hunting in shot gun only zones.

Interested in a savage 220 and pairing it with a 1x6 scope for close to medium range shots. Any tips on achieving the best precision out of this gun? With the cost sabot slugs, I'm thinking of using cheaper ammo for practice rounds during off season and then siting in the rifle with my hunting rounds come time for hunting season. Will this mess with the rifles accuracy? is it worth the hassle?

I looked at a bunch of savage 220 in the black matte barrel. All of them had a really janky barrel mounting where the barrel nut joined. The chamber would have been different size in all of them. It appeared to me that the barrel caliber was stamped on the barrel and then the nut was tightened so the caliber name was nice and level to the stock.

Then I looked at a bunch of stainless barrel versions. These had a consistent barrel to barrel nut gap. And appeared to have a consistent chamber size. This in my observation occurred because the caliber name was laser cut into the barrel. Which I presume was done after the barrel was installed.

Does it matter? Maybe, maybe not.

I bought the stainless and it shoots lights out with the remington acutips. My new favorite toy.
Remington accutip and you’re ready to go. I have a Nikon slug hunter 3-9 on mine. It’s been a good scope so far. They do punish the shoulder! Good luck
Remington Accu tips, and Federal Trophy copper shot sub moa in my 220 .
Whatever you do don’t bolt the gun quickly, they will jam.
I hit a 160-170 ” on OH public years ago, he was coming down a hill towards me and I shot right under his chest and hit his back leg, I bolted the rifle quick and the gun jammed as the deer hobbled down to 5 yards and then kept going as the gun wouldn’t cycle.
I would have wrapped that gun around a tree and left it there.
As stated, they are a cheap mass produced gun. You need to know how to adjust things to get them to feed/extract/eject or get lucky. The savage sales pitch is that they figured out how to do that and still build a really accurate gun. Accutips shot okay for me, hornady not so much. Thank God Iowa went to straight wall cartridges.
I need to get out and shoot mine to see how it performs. Hearing lots of mixed reviews, people seem to love them or hate them.
As previously said, the Accutips are scary accurate through the 220. With that being said, I hunt with a 220 for 5 ish years and sold it when Illinois went to straight wall (450 BM). While it was very accurate, the Accutips rarely went through both sides of the deer and the blood trails were poor.