Savage 110 ultralite pic rail

Feb 13, 2024
Does anyone have any experience with or know who manufactures the 20 moa pic rail that comes on some Savage 110 ultralight?
Was planning to get Leupold bases when ordering the scope but if this rail is quality I'll just get the rings.
I believe EGW does.
I thought that also...but EGW makes them for some of Savages rifles but are marked different. Savages website also specifically calls out the EGW 0mao or 20moa bases and on others just say 1 pc 20 moa. And the EGW bases normally saw EGW on the bottom of the base.
Egw and warne bothe make la and sa 110 products. I have both on my several 110s. EGW makes the rail that comes on the 110s if equipped. Personally I like their light weight hunter rail. Attached is a sa and la lightweight hunter EGW on 110s


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