Sold Sako Finnlight 300 WSM

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I used to have a sako 75 in 300 RUM. I loved that rifle and it shot bugholes. I still do not know why I sold it years ago, though a pattern is seemingly start to emerge here...
There were some questions regarding comparisons to a 300 WSM tikka. Here is my take. Some of these are facts some of them are just my opinion:
Tikka advantages:
- cheaper
- likely shoots just as well
- more aftermarket support

Sako advantages:
- better, 3 lug (vs 2.) action (semi controlled round feeding)
- magazine holds 4 rounds (vs 2 in tikka)
- magazine, bottom metal is actually metal
- lighter weight
- nicer factory stock
- overall, just more refined rifle
I have both. They both shoot well. The Sako has a tighter action in part due to the 3 lug bolt. I prefer the open action of the Sako and overall balance of the rifle. I'm surprised this gun isn't getting more love.
Thank you for your kind lines. I agree with your observations about the sako vs tikka rifles. The interest is picking up lately but the rifle is still available.
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