Sako 90 adventure

It looks like the Adventure comes with a metric barrel thread. Do many US suppressor manufacturers make metric threaded versions, too?
I have the 90 peak 308, came lighter than advertised at 5.625 lbs or (5 lb 10.0 oz on my scale) with muzzle thread cap. Likely less weight due to the bigger hole down the barrel?

Barrel thread is metric 15 is in the number I forget what it is specifically.

Mine came with knurled thread cap and a radial muzzle brake which is stainless as well with some weight but it is not same diameter as barrel, it ramps up from muzzle with a curve and it's pretty long, maybe 2.5 inches.

The rail is machined and low in the action. More on this later re; scope mounting and alignment to stock.

Trigger reach is adjustable, I left mine where it is.

Trigger is 5 clicks with a given tool to make easy and keep in case if you want to say have a glove setting, kid setting or whatever, the clicks are 2.0 lbs, 2.5 lbs, 3.0 lbs, 3.5 lbs, and 4.0 lbs. I run mine on 2.0 lbs but no one else shoots it, and was fine with typical general store leather gloves the other day at -10c at the range. It's prolly only a comfort and brag point that it has WR lock time but I like it just the same.

Stock is as if carved from billet carbon block, finished inside like the outside, no porous anywhere and feels and sounds more like wood, no loud or hollow and stiff as fack. The design I didn't catch onto until grabbed identical tikka to build along side it as a back up or kids gun, chopped to 20" to match etc. The sako stock has a higher comb and negative to it as well, and the grip is quite vertical and your thumb doesn't want to wrap it at all, it wants to lay up on the tang. The pistol grip I added to tikka definitely creates a shorter reach and is slightly more vertical but I thought well played on modernizing the stock. Stock has a slight cheek piece I seem to be getting along with but be just as happy without it, I really like how both the tikka with vertical grip and the 90 feel and shoulder. The sako felt recoil is less than the tikka though and goes with seems more controllable or quicker to get back in the scene with same load even though it's a lighter gun...that was kind of an eye opener to modern stock design, the tikka is kicky but they've always been kicky. Not sure if the material difference is a factor in the kicky advantage the sako has?

Fit and finish was perfect, I'm a bit picky and especially for these $$$, lines, channel, stock finish, recoil pad and fitment, metalwork, good as it gets, could not find anything I wasn't happy with. I bought in store the one I handled and looked over to be sure, wasn't going to have one shipped with my pickiness for attention to detail and luck in buying that way on this level of purchase. I only had to look at the one though and walked out with it.

The rails being low machined into the action plus that more modern stock design with higher and negative comb means you can go lower than useful on rings...hard to do on a tikka, hard to even get low enough while being robust on a tikka standard sporter stock imo. I had to come up twice on rings for the sako...that was first, seem happiest with 1" ring height give or take a smidge, I think 1.05" was best of what I've tested but landed on .99" I think with the brand I wanted. Warne mountaintech mediums but I have always like more shotgun low close eyes and then open for quick shooting type alignments. It will easily clear a 50mm objective in a medium ring.

No plastic anywhere, stainless sling studs, stainless/aluminum mag/bottom metal, stainless or carbon.

Accuracy not a problem as expected. Tikka prolly still a bit tighter though, it's really close.

The flush detach mag system is awesome and 5+1 cap in 308 based cartridges. You wouldn't lose a mag with the upward mag pressure required before pushing the button and with the cut out action and ability to top feed just like any hinged floor plate gun is handy as fack imo. It's basically a detach hinged combo. Plus being able to grabass it under the belly and feel no magazine is just something I like in everyday handling and carry.

Sako slogan has been 'Demand Perfection' and that fits through the 75/85's as they were still 'demanding it'. With the 90's and the updates made and bugs worked out (85 ejection angle issues) they can remove the 'Demand' part of it's slogan and just have 'Perfection' under the Sako name on the box. ;)

270 rounds on mine and a few kills now and it has only grown on me in shooting but also earning it's kill stripes(deer, antelope and moose so far, only the deer went 15 yards, 175/200/275 yard kills), so enough changes made to finally get me to wallet for one of these and glad I did. I think this is my holy grail ride until I ship to the next life, I only want to drive it now and add wear, it's done enough now since Oct 2023 for me to green light it to myself as we might be finally done here. Glad I have kids and backup redundancy needs to continue to play with new projects though. Will always need to upgrade for the kids and the backups, Dad is set.