I started saddle hunting last year. Hunted out of it here at home all year.
I really like it a lot.
It is a bit expensive to get into I will say that with everything you need to do it well.
I am running a Tetherd setup with the Phantom and use Hawk Helium sticks with a single step aider i made.
I also hunt a lot more private ground than public. So I put in screw in steps in trees I know ill hunt often, then just take the saddle and platform back and forth to each stand.
The sticks only get used for public ground hunting.
took me a bit to find a bow holder system i liked, but finally did find one that works well.
It takes a bit of time to learn how you best want to do it. Everyone is a little different.
The saddle stuff is also very.....gimicky i would say.
There are all kinds of small things that are for sale that in my opinion aren't needed.
You just have to figure out what you want.
For me I have the saddle with pockets, platform, bow/gear holder, and knee pads..yea the knee pads are a must in my opinion.