saddle hunting

After trying a few different climbing methods the last few years, I've settled on mostly one sticking with a 2 step helium with rope mod and hsp platform on top of it
I’ve used Out On A Limb Shikars for 5 hour sits with no platform (not the most comfortable on the feet, but doable). Private land hunts.

Going to try the Shikar Mini with a 3 step aider to cut down on weight and packability for this years backpack hunt. Mini with 3 step aider and 5/8” flat strap below.


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I use Skeletor sticks with amsteel aiders and a ooal podium platform. Last year I switched over to a Big Bob platform made by ooal. I only use the sticks now if I know where I’m going is a difficult tree to get into with leans and multiple trunks with branches.

I switched over to a madrock and repel out now regardless of the climbing method I use. I’d highly recommend it. Safest way to come down. Which can be tricky with sticks and aiders.

Also, Heliums are good steps for the money. If I’d known I was going to a one stick, I’d still have them. The skeletors are an upgrade. Just not a $100.00 upgrade when you only use them 5-6 times a season.
Saddle hunting is not lightweight UNLESS, you do the 1-stick method. BUT even as someone who is very fit, I'd say that its probably a lot more effort than its worth.
I do however like saddle hunting because its give me the flexibility to hunt trees that are not climbable with a climbing stand and determine if I should put a fixed stand up in that specific tree
Saddle hunting is not lightweight UNLESS, you do the 1-stick method. BUT even as someone who is very fit, I'd say that its probably a lot more effort than its worth.
I do however like saddle hunting because its give me the flexibility to hunt trees that are not climbable with a climbing stand and determine if I should put a fixed stand up in that specific tree

Two tether climbing and rope climbing would both be lighter than single stick climbing if you’re carrying a rappel rope with your single stick.

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Skip the cheap stuff,you will end up buying the better ones anyway.I have had hawk,lone wolf and lone wolf custom and finally tethered ones.
Should have got them to begin with.
I think hawk heliums are a good starter set of sticks. Mine have served me well

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You can find the heliums right now for under $80. I like the api sticks with mods better (cut down, double aider on the first and single aider on others Amstel rope). The heliums are really nice for the price though.


One last edit: someone may want to double check that price I have birthdays pricing on there at midway.
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price Im seeing is $34 each...thats darn cheap. BUT, those hawk aluminum sticks are 2.5 lb EACH per the Hawk website, and I'd bet good money that doesnt even include the strap...that is not even close to a lightweight stick. Price looks great and I'm sure they work fine, but nearly any of the other manufacturers comparable sticks will shed 2+ pounds off a set of 4.
I have the hawk helium 20" sticks that I got 2 years ago when I started saddle hunting. They've worked well for me thought the system to lock them together for transport is pretty cheap/flimsy and is really hard to separate below 20 degrees. I carry them in on the sides of my pack (2 per side) so I don't really use it. I also use a dyneema sling from my rock climbing days on the bottom of each one as a easy way to attach an aider. Overall they work well for the price and I haven't felt the need to spend the money and upgrade.

For a platform I have the hawk helium mini that attaches to the top of one of the sticks. It works and is really easy to pack/set up but you can't get your whole foot on it and I find it kind of uncomfortable after about 2 hours. I will probably upgrade to a proper platform for this season.
I recommend an Eastern Wood Outdoors one stick setup (several different configurations and aiders to build from). I also suggest looking in to rappelling with a Madrock Safeguard or similar ascend/descender. It takes some practice to get comfortable with the one stick system but once you do it’s by far one of the simplest/lightest most mobile setups out there. Shoot me a PM if you need anything.
Buy the beast sticks from hunting beast get the 3 pack and then go to tethered and pick up 3 of the ascenders all total about $150 and it will get you up about 15'. The other option is buy a set of lineman's spikes can be pricey look for them used to save some money and carry 1 climbing stick as a safety at the top of your climb. Those are the lightest options I've found I pack mine in sometimes miles to hunt elk and whitetails in MT. Hands down beats trying to pack my lightweight hang on and steps. I've also gotten on sportsman's guide and picked up some strap on single steps very minimal to pack and they weigh less than my sticks but you gotta make sure to pick a tree with textured bark and don't twist around when you climb.
I did the sticks and platform thing 2 seasons ago , last year I went to the one stick method and rappel down after the hunt.. it is now my go to. No foundling down the tree at dark trying to pull each stick down . I couldn’t get the feel for them so I sold it all , kept the platform ( Trophyline edp) just in case if I am able to hang a ladder stick and keep bring platform in the am and set it up. If you are hunting public land or a new property where you need to be mobile I would seriously consider the one stick method.
And as for the one stick I have the big bob from out on a limb. Reason I like that one is because the entire platform pivots and goes down flush with the stick.
This is my entire set up in that lumber pack, I keep my rappel rope in one dump pocket on my saddle and then everything else in that pack. Horns , food, etc. then that stick just rides on the top in between the lid.


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Oh ya agree , the lighter the more you better pucker up ! I have the buy once cry once mentality especially with gear..
🫶🏼 I literally bought everything to make a one stick out of a trophy line wingman, thinking It would save me money and overall be lighter than 3-4 sticks. Boy was I wrong. I’m sure after buying the saddle kit and everything needed to repel and make the one stick, I spent more than if I would’ve just gone with 3 latitude carbon sticks.
I jsut started saddle hunting this year. So far I like it but will be upgrading some gear after this season.
Right now I am running a Predator platform from Tetherd as well as the Predator saddle. I have 4 Hawk Helium sticks with single step aiders on each.
Ill be sticking with the platform as i also like to stand and move around some so not a fan of the one stick setups with the "platform" on the upper part of the stick.
Ill be going to a Cruzr Seeker platform as well as the Cruzr saddle.
Stick wise I am planning on using one of the Lattitude carbon sticks with a 2 or 3 step aider and rapel down with a madrock setup.
I jsut started saddle hunting this year. So far I like it but will be upgrading some gear after this season.
Right now I am running a Predator platform from Tetherd as well as the Predator saddle. I have 4 Hawk Helium sticks with single step aiders on each.
Ill be sticking with the platform as i also like to stand and move around some so not a fan of the one stick setups with the "platform" on the upper part of the stick.
Ill be going to a Cruzr Seeker platform as well as the Cruzr saddle.
Stick wise I am planning on using one of the Lattitude carbon sticks with a 2 or 3 step aider and rapel down with a madrock setup.
If you cannot seem to find a Madrock at a decent price, I recommend checking out the Mammut Smart. I currently have one and while the idea of a Madrock still seems appealing, this device has no moveable parts that can mechanically fail, and seems to work the same. The key is to use the proper carabiner.