SAAMI has approved 25 Creedmoor (Hornady)

You guys are making me want to spend money. I spent all 9f last year talking myself out of a 6 creed and a 22 creed, guess this year it is the 25 creed.

G7 BC of the 25 certainly beats the 6 (and my 243).
I love me some 133 Bergers.

My 25cm barrel should arrive this week from PBB. Have 100 alpha brass. Anyone seen the Berger 133s around? Can get the 135s and 134eldm from my LGS but haven't seen the 133s anywhere.
I have my stash from the preorder of Bergers first run. I stocked up for one barrels life.
been very pleased with my two 25 creedmoor builds. Both barrels have been stupid easy to load for, no weird carbon rings or crazy barrel speed ups. Great performance from mild mannered and easy to obtain powders too.

I am curious how “over pressure” the common loads are going to be when load data comes out 😬

I am curious how “over pressure” the common loads are going to be when load data comes out 😬
Probably a lot. I have run across quite a few CM loads that approach what I am getting from my prc.

Seems to be quite common that people post loads that are faster than book loads and/or develop cartridges that have exceptional speed vs saami loadings of similar spec. Imho what we consider pressure signs are not there until well beyond saami specs. If we could actually pressure test, I bet most fast loads are all overpressure by a little.