Anyone had this? Time to walk again? Time to backpack hunt? Hoping my season is not shot. Any orthos in Denver area that someone can recommend? Thanks in advance.
I ruptured mine completely while playing softball a few years back. I don't recall how long it took me to get back to things but I don't remember it being long. It does not cause me any grief at all now. If you are getting surgery now or soon I don't think your season for the fall would be shot. I would suggest using a good high boot to help give you ankle support and foot support. I would not wear hiking shoes or low cut outdoor shoes. A good leather full sized boot with 8-11 inches in height when doing outdoor activity's such as hunting/hiking would be what I would use.
I ruptured mine about 9 years ago during early summer. I was ready to go in the fall, but I wasn’t fully recovered. As a result, I skipped a year of mountain/backpack hunting and stuck to foothill/badlands type terrain.
In terms of life after recovery, I have absolutely no limitations compared to my other leg. I have full ankle strength. Other than a slightly smaller calf on my injured leg (it never regained full size through PT and years of strength training), it’s like it never happened. For me, I can hunt in any type of footwear with no issues.
I've ruptured both, 14 years apart. Surgery on both. Heavy cast toes to upper thigh each time for 8 weeks then walking boot for 2 weeks. It takes a few weeks to build the heel pad back up but I have no pain or limitations. OTC Colorado public land hunt 2016 hiked, hunted 50 plus miles that week. No problem. 52 years old.
I've torn both of mine, basketball injuries, first one in about 1994, had a bad doctor and very painful and lengthy recovery 5-6 months. The second one in 2004 had a sports doctor do the surgery and the recovery was way better, in about 3 months I was doing a lot of regular activities. Doctor did say no more B-ball thou.
Thought I would bump this thread for fun. Had surgery March 5th this year. Killed my first elk, a nice 5x4 on November 5th. Did 16 miles in two days of pack out, in 12" of snow, ice and mud. Leg felt great. It has been a 5 year journey to get this. I am very blessed.