Rumble with huntalk in Bozeman?

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Nov 23, 2023
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in meeting up with the lords of ht in Bozeman or perhaps Little Bighorn to settle the online civil war that is currently going on with western hunting via a gangs of New York style rumble?
Perhaps we could invite the 24hr guys, Matt Rinella and cam Hanes and really settle this chit once and for all.
Pm me with your name and let me know which team you want to be on.

the weapons i’m bringing are a trash can, locker and toilet and I’m stuffing those nerds in the locker and trash can, pulling them out and giving them swirlies.
The small calibers for hunting gets people riled up. They just look at the title and light their torch. PNWgator has a cheat sheet on the first page of the infamous thread and if you bother to click on it the evidence is overwhelming that the reality is these calibers are not too small for big game. If someone is still wanting to argue that you can't kill animals with small calibers after that i think it is safe to say their is no convincing them and you may as well move on. You have to remember that some people just live to argue.
I'm not sure why anyone would need to settle a "civil" war. Also, why should everyone have to agree online to settle it? There too much censorship already.
I’ve been watching a lot of game of thrones. 🤷‍♂️
24hr guys would definitely be the army of the dead.
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