Replicas can be cheap and look exactly like the real thing. They can just go off photos, similar to a fish mount@Dirtbag Antlers were not that soft when he shot it. I wasnt surprised that we lost the velvet, but to hear the antler rotted was surprising. To me that means the guy left it in the sun and rain for the past 2 years. We had the skull down to bone when he took it.
Not going to lie to my grandpa about it - he already knows its messed up. Actually really liking the idea of having a replacement doctored up to closely match the original. I think that would make him content.
I would make something out of the ivorys. People turn them into pretty cool rings. If your dead set on having the euro I would talk to a good taxidermist. They have ways of repairing and rebuilding broken skulls and antlers.Long story short - had hired a guide 2 seasons ago for my then 93 year old grandpa to get his first elk. He ended up getting one on public land with a crossbow at 53 yards. Bucket list item achieved!
Main guide had a helper guide who offered to take care of the euro mount which was very nice of him at no charge. He seemed like a stand up guy and we said sure and thanks. Got what we paid for...
After not hearing from him for 2 years, and me calling multiple times, he finally answered today. I knew the velvet went bad after the formaldehyde did not work, whatever, not the end of the world. But he told me today that the antler rotted from the inside out and was pretty well ruined. I asked for pics and told him Id come pick it up sometime next month - a 20 hour round trip drive.
Question is - should i just replace the euro spike mount with a different one? It was a big spike but i doubt my grandpa would ever know. It will end up in my hands anyway in the coming years. Also, how hard would it be to find a replacement and what might it cost?
Its a big bummer since it was a hunt that I will cherish forever. Even if its a replacement, Id like my grandpa to have something to reminisce with while hes still around. He turns 95 at the end of the month.
Thoughts would be highly appreciated. Thanks guys.
Haha my gramps is pretty sharp. I will have one recreated by a taxidermist.If that guy is 95 and looks like that I wouldn't try to pull the wool over his eyes LOL
I'd rather have that picture blown up and on the wall in place of the messed up mount. That picture of you and Grandpa's smile is priceless. There's lots of good memories there.Thanks guys. Just exploring the options. Will never forget the most important part of the memory - time spent with my grandpa and dad.
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He knows what happened to it already. He doesnt know Im having the mount recreated as a surprise. Not sure what he remembers now though, been tough watching his mind slip recently. Used to remember who lived at what farm house 80 years ago as we drove by, now its whats going on week to week is lucky to remember.My honest opinion, forget about the skull and just be honest and tell your gramps what happened. I would guess that the skull isn't that important to him, the memories are what's important.
All good odin. The elk actually had no ivories. I was there looking for them with everyone and we would have taken em. Not sure if thats common for there to be none.I like the "Get the ivories". Man some people just suck. Sorry to hear about the situation.