I have the LCR and it’s my carry/ backpack firearm. It’s light and easy to pack or carry. The triggers suck! And if you put a decent bear load in it, well that sucks also! It’s a protection gun so get use to shooting the heavy stuff and also practice with 38 spec. I like the LCR for the weight and size.
I had the original .357 enclosed hammer version as an ankle gun when I was a police officer, and it was also my mountain gun like you describe for your purpose. What an outstanding pistol. I thought the trigger was better than any other revolver I had or have shot, and recoil with the polymer frame was a simple thing to manage.
The only downfall was the lack of a rear sight, and if you got out to 25yds, the u-notch in the frame was difficult to be impressive with. I would get the 4" version for the rear sight, full grip, and the extra barrel can only help with velocity.
I’m with sndmn11 in regards to the trigger on the KLCR 357. Its Actually pretty darn smooth and way softer than its pull weight would indicate. I’ve carried a hammerless model for the last 5 or 6 Years as my backcountry sidearm. Love the weight and compact size. I’d opt for the hammerless model if I were you. A pistol this size is not build for precision shots over 25 yards. Hammerless will be safer depending on how you carry it and it will double as a nice pocket pistol for concealed carry while on the home front.
Id also recommended you buy an XS Tritium front sight. Best upgrade for this pistol I’ve found.
I have .38 +P LCR with crimson trace as a "dress" carry weapon but as a backcountry gun you're pushing your luck. Five shots aint alot. I used to carry the S&W 329PD and would forget it was there....nice .44mag to carry but less pleasant to shoot. Now I pack a Glock 40 (10MM) which can and will handle anything. Bipeds are the most likely threat you'll encounter in the backcountry and if you have multiple assailants, you don't just five rounds. The LCR is a phone booth gun, designed for extremely close encounters...a bear charging from 50 yards requires something a bit more substantial. Even crazy people may be threatening you from a distance and I don't wanna find myself undergunned in the middle of nowhere.
Get quality hard cast ammo like Underwood, Buffalo Bore or something. A buddy that runs hounds had a hunter kill a black bear and when they dressed it out, found six 45 calber hollowpoints imbedded in the muscle just under the hide. I wonder how that confrontation ended.
I have a .38 spl version and it is a great carry gun. The trigger pull is decent but, I am not a fan of the trigger contour. If you want something similar in size but with a better trigger and feel with full on .357, look at the SP101. Had one of those as well. Great pistol, can work the trigger to be fantastic, better with recoil due to the weight. There is a 3" and 4" version as well. Still working with 5 shots, if that is of concern to you.
If you want small with more firepower, take a look at the Kahr CW9. 7+1 or 8+1 of +p 9mm, very compact yet easy to shoot, conceals better than the LCR, IMO. Those are the two guns I carry primarily.
I have a 3" SP101 with the exposed hammer that I carried for years in the field. I shot quite a bit of hardcast out of it. My complaints were 1) the knuckle bashing from the trigger guard with heavy loads (not a serious problem for a defensive gun that gets carried more than it gets shot) and more importantly 2) the not so great fixed sights. The latter was an issue for me because I'm more likely to defend my bird dog from a coyote, badger, etc. than me from anything. I struggled with those sights at anything beyond 20 yards or so. I put a night sight on the front, which just made it shoot lower. These days, I generally pack a SIG P365. It's lighter than the SP101, has more capacity, I shoot it better, and allows me to mount a passable light on it that works out further than I could reliably shoot the Ruger. I do not feel handicapped by the 9mm in the areas I travel and prefer it over a small 357.
I have a LCRx 38 and love it. Saves quite a bit of weigh over the 357 version and with +P ammo doesn't give up much power to a 357.
Trigger isn’t the best but it’s not the worst either.
My only complaint is the tinking from the transfer bar while I’m walking.
Mcimes, I’m contemplating the same after years of lugging a 44 mag. I read that there’s a significant velocity difference between snubbies & 3 in barrels, but not much between 3 & 4 in for .357 mag. Hopefully, someone with real world experience can chime in.