My Rugers were all model 77s in various chamberings and two Ruger Number ones. The model 77s were from a sponsorship, so I was happy to shoot them for free.
Issues were with long term use included barrels being shot out very quickly (one example being a .308 needing to be re-barreled after only 1,800 rounds). Action binding (lots of slop and over time gets worse with hard use). Trigger issues, mainly failure to fire. Action/trigger failing to function with minimal snow/ice accumulation. Two rifles had head spacing issues that were covered under warranty. Chased that one for weeks and was very frustrating. Very finicky action screws. Could only really get them to shoot how I wanted at the time with very low torque specs. Tightening them to more realistic specs for a heavy field use rifle would result in groups opening up badly. I’ve never seen a Ruger in person where the barrel was fully free floated from the factory. I had to dremel and sand all of mine, I also bedded them to relieve issues.