Ruger American .450 BM in Magpul Hunter Stock

Feb 20, 2025
I just put my Gen1 Ruger American in a Magpul Hunter stock. I was a little hesitant to make the switch, because of various online posts I've read about feeding issues with the .450 BM in this stock/magazine combination. Unfortunately, I have found the same issues with mine. The .450 BM doesn't feed very well out of the Magpul 5-round ACSI magazine.

I have read where some have fixed their feeding issues by swapping the 5-round spring with one from a 10-round ACIS magazine. I haven't tried doing this yet, so I can't comment. I found a simpler solution, though...

The 5-round Amend2 ACIS magazines feed great! My 250gr FTX handloads cycle with 100% reliability, no issues at all. Sometimes the last round will hang-up with my 395gr Sub-X ammo, but my rifle did that with the factory 3-round Ruger magazines, as well.

I added QD swivel attachments on the left side and a cantilever flashlight rail on the right side, with a little stick-on Velcro for the pressure switch. It should work great for our pig hunt in a couple of weeks.

