Ruger American 2

Nov 1, 2017
Coeur d' Alene, ID
I recently picked up a Ruger American 2 in 7mm 08 for the kids. It checked alll the boxes for a youth hunting rifle and the price is hard to beat. It has a LOP of 12in when the spacer is removed, and you can modify it as the kids get bigger.

What really impressed me was the accuracy! Holy smokes can this thing shoot! 3 rd groups touching.

At the end of the day it’s a $500 gun, so there are some things that bug me, bolt is not as smooth as I would like. Need a little pressure to close it when a feeding a round.

Other than that if you want an accurate rifle for your young hunter that doesn’t cost a ton, I would buy it again.
Is the LOP spacer easy to add/remove? I really like my Gen 1. I'm looking for a rifle my kids can shoot, but I want to be able to shoot it too.