Rokslide Forum Rules & Etiquette

Glendon Mullins

Hillbilly Moderator
Staff member
Sep 7, 2014
Highland County Virginia
Welcome to the Rokslide Forums,

The Rokslide forums are all about sharing information and communicating with others in a positive, upbeat atmosphere. Our forum posting rules are very simple: no whining, crying, sobbing, sniveling, sulking, bickering, slandering, name-calling, complaining, smart comments, or pouting! If you feel compelled to do any of the above, you could be banned without warning for violating any of our rules whether written, spoken, or implied here or other places on this site. We don't delete accounts either. If you are done with the forum just don't post anymore, and block any future E-newsletters we send.

The Rokslide Forum is moderated in order to keep the discussion flowing and to remove any offensive material. Comments that do not adhere to the moderation rules will be removed or locked. Every comment is valued for its content. This discussion forum allows everyone to have a say and it brings out many different ideas and viewpoints. A single comment may have as much influence as 100 comments if the idea/comment is a good one.
In order to play a positive part in the discussions and to give your views maximum impact we encourage you to follow the etiquette guide below:

  1. It's a good idea to read through the information on the site and the other participant's comments before getting involved in the discussion yourself. Use the search function on the forums if necessary.
  2. Always respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you, this holds true for hunting, ethics, politics etc. It's okay to disagree with other forum participants, in fact we encourage debate, just keep the dialogue positive.
  3. Always keep things civil. We recognize that this can be difficult sometimes, especially when you are passionate about an issue, but it is important to keep the discussion focused on the issues rather than letting it deteriorate into personal insults.
  4. If you feel that someone has insulted you, or personally attacked you report their comment to the moderator. Don't perpetuate the dispute. The moderator will take a look at the offending comment and decide whether it should be removed.
  5. Stay on topic. These forums have been created for a specific purpose. Please stay within the boundaries of the subject matter. Refer to this sticky post in the Rokslide rules about posting correct topics in correct forums:
  6. Don't be a "troll". Trolls intentionally incite annoyance or offense. They do not participate constructively in the discussion and do not add any value to the Rokslide Forum. Trolls generally end up being banned forever.
  7. Don't bully, harass or threaten other forum participants. If you feel you have been bullied, harassed or threatened in anyway, please report this to the moderators as soon as possible.
  8. Please respect the moderators and staff. Their job is to keep the forum safe and constructive.
  9. Try to avoid using acronyms or text talk. By sticking to plain English more people will understand the points you are trying to make.
  10. Never post personal information about another forum participant. This Includes identifying any individual by their real name or location if they have not already done so or are already providing personal contact information or their location.
  11. Don't post anything that could be considered hateful or mean-spirited, or intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion or age.
  12. Don't be obscene and don't use foul language. Lots of people from different backgrounds participate in these forums. We want them to be able to continue to do so from home, work, school, university or wherever they may be. Disguising swear words by deliberately misspelling them doesn't make them any less offensive.
  13. Don't post in a manner that violates any law, promotes the violation of any law, plagiarizes or violates intellectual property rights.
  14. We have and encourage female members to be a part of the Rokslide community, they are here to learn and share knowledge of hunting, fishing etc. just like the rest of us guys, Please refrain from private messaging them looking for dates or other such shenanigans.
  15. When a thread is started, stay on the topic of that thread. Do not hijack threads with issues unrelated to the original post
  16. Most things don’t translate well through text, play it safe with joking around until people get to know you. Emoji’s help but not always. If you question it then don’t post it.
  1. This is a hunting forum, people are going to discuss hunting information, that is what the forum is and was created for. People are attempting to gain knowledge and people are attempting to share knowledge. How you specifically gain and share knowledge on a hunting forum requires a certain tact that many people either are ignorant to, or have not gained knowledge of, the following suggestions may help you gain or share knowledge on the Rokslide Forum.
  2. Do not make your first post asking for knowledge of certain areas. Every year the members of Rokslide see the same posts regurgitated over and over again that look something like this....... "Hey guys, I drew unit 1234567 tag and never been there where is the best spots to go?" 90% of the time, this is the user's FIRST post, and many times their last post as well, as they never return to post on the forum again. People are more likely to share information with people they somewhat trust, (as much trust as u can give someone on an online forum anyway) that they have seen contributing to the forum, posting and commenting for some time etc. I guarantee there is a difference in the amount and type of feedback someone gets who posts the above question as their 1st post vs someone posting the same questions and it's there 500th post. In general I’d say make an introduction post, some congratulations comments or thanks for any helpful info you find, use the like button instead posting something like “good, okay”. Show some enthusiasm and initiative towards the hunt your asking questions about also gratitude to those who answer. Oh, a trip report is a great way to show thanks to the guy who shared their information with you.
  3. Now unfortunately we aren't letting FNG's (new guys) post up unit specific questions. Any unit question/answers remain out in the world wide webs forever, which can doom some really great spots.
    The expectation is that all Rokslide members will understand and support this concept and take all such conversations to private message.
    Yes, it's a hassle to join and be part of this community but the rewards are worth the effort including the ability to send and receive private messages.
  4. Posting specific unit numbers, while not against the rules for even for members in good standing, is still sometimes frowned upon by members depending upon the context of the post. A good rule of thumb to follow when discussing specifics of a unit is to ask for Private Messages or share information in private messages. While posting specific unit numbers is frowned upon, posting specific drainages or trailheads are grounds for much worse from the rokslide community lol. Use your common sense, use private messages, etc. we are all in this together and to help each other.
  5. We have all always heard the old saying, Who, What, When, Where and How. When sharing information Roklside encourages it's members to let people know the Who, What, When, and How. but generally leave out the where.
  1. Do not comment on the prices people set for their stuff. If they want to overprice something, it simply won't (or shouldn't sell)
  2. Don't post on the forum complaining or bitching about the 10 post rule for posting in the classified section. It's there for a reason, read the rules and you will know why. Don't try to circumvent this either by posting that u have a backpack for sale in the backpack forum!!
  3. Read the Classified Rules before even thinking of posting or buying there....
  4. How you pay for something, or how the seller requests to be paid is completely up to the two corresponding parties, we cannot and do not monitor this, or cannot set rules for this. Buy and Sell at your own risk cant be stressed enough. It's the internet, we all know there are scammers out there, and they attempt it here as well. We as a team try to eliminate that as soon as possible with help (reports) from our members. Again use common sense and if a deal appears to be too good to be true, it probably is.
  5. If someone posts something for sale but the price is higher then what is normal offered commercially, what is the best way to proceed? Don’t dispute a member’s price on their thread. If you want to share fair market value info or make an offer, send a polite Private Message to the person. They very possibly could not even know they are overpricing an item if the are not familiar with that particular market
*note* continued due to not being able to post a thread with over 1000 words lol

  1. Politics and their discussion by nature can result in heated arguments. It is important to remember to respect other people's opinions, even if they do not agree with you or line up to your political beliefs. They’re a two-edged sword. Sometimes staff and moderators like having that information available on those threads here on rokslide, other times we just wanna delete them. They seem to bring out the worst most times. Staff and mods have had discussions about completely banning political posts before, but for now, it is not against the rules.
  2. If you are here just to post on the political threads or start political threads only or push your agenda we are going to start helping you leave the site by permanent ban. (see the trolling definition)
  3. As a general rule of thumb, don't bother posting threads in which the subject matter is political and in no way shape or form related to hunting, fishing, public land, public land access, firearms, etc. There are plenty of other social media and forums for you to discuss such matters on, why litter this forum with them?
  4. Its refreshing to have a place where you aren't being constantly inundate with political rants, issues or crisis. The politics in this country have forced itself into every freaking corner of every day life. At Rokslide we want to talk hunting and take a break from the political echo chambers.



  1. Before you can post, you must have a post count of 10 and be a member for over a week.
  2. The Classifieds are for hunting-related items.
  3. You must be a sponsor to post on here if you make any product for resale or buy a product at wholesale to resell. It doesn't matter if you're a declared business entity or not. This forum is for re-selling personal gear you purchased for personal use.
  4. No contests or giveaway threads in the Classifieds.
  5. All WTS items must include a price, no auctions
  6. You may only bump a thread once every 24 hours.
  7. Follow through on your deals promptly, you should have the item ready to go. As we’re all hunters sometimes a hunt gets in the way of completing a deal, make sure you communicate with the other party if something comes up.
  8. Follow all applicable laws(shipping to an FFL).
  9. Lock your threads once the item is sold and leave feedback for the buyer to help sellers in the future.
  10. To help clear up any issues quickly, we recommend you exchange phone numbers and addresses before sending payment.
  11. Don't butt in on others' ads. Please leave the ad alone unless you have an item you want to buy or sell to the member who started the ad.
  12. Don’t dispute a member’s price on their thread. If you want to share fair market value info or make an offer, send a polite PM.
  13. Pay Pal gift or Pay Pal Friends and Family payment options are for people who are Friends and Family. Moderators won’t help with issues on items bought or sold with F&F.
  14. We recommend you ask for specific photos of the item to confirm the condition of the item if not posted on the thread.
  15. Once a transaction is complete, please leave feedback to help sellers in the future. Go to the member's profile and click "feedback stats" There, you can post about your classified transaction with that member.
For Instant access to the classifieds, click the link.

Last edited by a moderator:
I want to hear stories of guys trying to get dates on Rokslide. That just sounds sad.
So we're saying following the site etiquette there's a chance for a hunting/ fishing date...
*note* continued due to not being able to post a thread with over 1000 words lol

  1. Politics and their discussion by nature can result in heated arguments. It is important to remember to respect other people's opinions, even if they do not agree with you or line up to your political beliefs. They’re a two-edged sword. Sometimes staff and moderators like having that information available on those threads here on rokslide, other times we just wanna delete them. They seem to bring out the worst most times. Staff and mods have had discussions about completely banning political posts before, but for now, it is not against the rules.
  2. If you are here just to post on the political threads or start political threads only or push your agenda we are going to start helping you leave the site by permanent ban. (see the trolling definition)
  3. As a general rule of thumb, don't bother posting threads in which the subject matter is political and in no way shape or form related to hunting, fishing, public land, public land access, firearms, etc. There are plenty of other social media and forums for you to discuss such matters on, why litter this forum with them?
  4. Its refreshing to have a place where you aren't being constantly inundate with political rants, issues or crisis. The politics in this country have forced itself into every freaking corner of every day life. At Rokslide we want to talk hunting and take a break from the political echo chambers.
Thanks for explaining the rules and moderating. Just joined and excited to explore the forums.