Rokslide 2023 Youth Photo Contest sponsored by Western Edge Gear

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My daughter turned 12 in October. We made it out Sunday for a cow elk hunt and had an awesome time. I couldn’t be more proud of her. She was a trooper. She did take 4 naps but I won’t hold it against her, I remember napping often when I was a kid hunting.

Truck said temps were 1 degree. Her hair said it was below zero! 😜 IMG_0158.jpeg
Last picture sorry for so many but too good not to share. The boys and both parents shared the blind for a successful turkey hunt this spring.FB_IMG_1701108310489.jpg
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My Son got his first deer this year with a muzzle loader, not just any muzzlr loader but his papaw's muzzleloader who passed away in January. I was so proud of him, afterwards, he asked "Is that muzzleloader mine now?" and I replied "Yep it sure is" (if you look closely you can find it in the picture)
I couldn’t believe the luck my 10 year old had when I checked the draw results for his first year hunting. He was able to draw a great deer tag. After passing up countless bucks, some that really surprised me we found this buck, after 8 days and looking at well over hundred bucks he had a pretty good idea of what he wanted and told me he wanted to pass on this one because it didn’t have eye guards. A little stunned I told him it was his tag and we still had 6 days ledt so I was fine if he wanted to keep looking. Later that day he’s like you know, I really liked that buck, can we go try and find him again. Get over there and I was a little worried, a couple new bucks moved in and we couldn’t see him. A short time later my 12 year old found him running a doe in the tall sage brush. He ended up pushing the doe from 350 to less than 50 yards from us but the brush was too tall and he spooked when he noticed us. Ran across the draw and stopped at 220 yards told him that was his chance and if he was solid to take the shot. He made a perfect shot and had his first muley on the ground.
My son with his first Sitka Blacktail! We took a trip down to Prince of Wales Island with my dad for a father/son/grandfather trip. Unfortunately probably one of his last since he is getting up there in age and can’t get around like he used to. While we didn’t see many, my son getting his first deer definitely made the trip worth it.
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My daughter with her first moose! Wish I had more time to take better pics but she got this one right at dark and there were wolf tracks all over this area. We were kinda in a hurry and finished getting everything out by 5-6 AM. As we were hauling the last load out we heard a pack of wolves howling right at the kill site. Luckily we had all the meat out of there. Not sure if they were out there the whole time waiting on us to leave or not. While this picture isn’t the best, those streaks in the background are actually the northern lights. They were over our heads the entire night. It was amazing.
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Congrats to everyone so far! This has become my favorite series/posting topic to follow. Thanks to rokslide and the sponsors for THIS!! Please continue to do this every year. I know yall do a lot of different contests like this, but the YOUTH one is at the TOP!
Congrats to everyone so far! This has become my favorite series/posting topic to follow. Thanks to rokslide and the sponsors for THIS!! Please continue to do this every year. I know yall do a lot of different contests like this, but the YOUTH one is at the TOP!
I'm happy to see kids making memories and doing something other than looking at electronics.
This is my 13-year-old grandson, Tanner with his first black bear ! A 6’2” chocolate boar that was just under 300 pounds . I’m one proud, papa, and enjoy every minute I get to spend with my grandkids transferring knowledge I can 😉IMG_7686.jpeg
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