Rifle hunters sling set ups


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
I'm a bowhunter mainly. I do hunt mountain lions this time of year and put on a lot of miles. I use an AR and always have a daypack on as I'm usually out all day. I can't keep the rifle on my shoulder with the pack on. How do you guys deal with this? Using a Badlands Hypervent day pack and a Butler Creek no slip sling.

Because of the pack I have to constantly keep my hand on the bottom of the sling and push it across my body, even then it slips off often. From what I can tell the pack doesn't allow it to go over far enough to engage the sling very well. Thinking I need to get a tatical sling and carry the rifle in front of me. I would rather not have it lashed to the pack if possible. Any ideas for me?
Had never seen that. Thanks, looks like that may work. Need to do something, my shoulder and back both hurt from yesterday trying to carry the damn thing.
I use the Quake Claw sling and have for many years. I have a Kifaru gun bearer that I bought years ago. Have never really liked using it for some reason. I take it on hunts and usually is in the bottom of my pack. I sometimes don't have a pack on so I need something else. The Claws hold on really quite well, but you need to get used to the weight. I don't like to tie the gun onto a pack especially where it is brushy and you might have unannounced visitors.
Are you trying to keep up with a pack of hounds? Maybe the hyper vent isn't the best pack to carry a rifle. I can strap a rifle or bow to my 2800 w/ no problems. Haven't heard much good about the Hyper vent... you may want to look into a different pack. + 1 for the claw sling but it is a bit heavy.
I would suggest sloganoutdoors sling. I used to use quake claw but this absorbs weight better and hold much better. I've used the hypervent pack and providing you don't have an odd shoulder/body shape, you'll be very satisfied.
Not using hounds, they don't allow it in South Dakota, idiots, that is another discussion. I use the Hypervent because that is what I have, new daypack isn't in the budget and it actually is pretty functional for what I do. My fox pro caller slides right into the spotting scope tube. Side pockets just the right size for lunch. Ammo in one belt pouch and Fox pro remote in the other. Snow cover suit, extra gloves and heavy coat in the main bag. I like the pack.

I don't see how the claw sling is going to help? The Butler Creek sling doesn't slip or go anywhere without the pack on, the pack is causing the issues, not the sling. It is wide and tall enough that it prevents the rifle from going over far enough so that the sling will engage on you shoulder. The sling is just on the edge of where it needs to be and won't go over any farther. As far as lashing to the pack, that isn't an option. I still hunt and follow tracks as much as call so I don't want the rifle strapped onto the pack.

The only issue I can see with the Kifaru setup is what happens when you fall down or just slip hard. It looks like the rifle barrel will swing over and hit you right alongside the eyebrow or in the temple. I wear glasses and it looks like that may be a problem. Always walking on snow over top of loose footing, pine needles, slipping is common.
A few years ago I started using a boonie packer two point sling on a AR for calling Coyotes. I am totally sold on that style of carry. You can suck it up tight to your chest when crawling through the thick or loosen it up and swing it to your side or all the way around to your back.
The sling is beefy, desepetively simple and flat out works.

I fully recomend them. And do your best with thier website, I know it sucks.