Review of the Sitka Ambient 100 vest


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Oct 18, 2016
I have to admit I was never much of a vest guy (I had a Filson vest I wore a lot but that was more for style than function). I've been using the Ambient vest quite a bit the last couple of months and have changed my mind on vests :) Won't be ditching any of my active insulation jackets, but I think there is definitely a niche that an active vest can fill very nicely.

Sitka Ambient 100 Vest Review

I am looking forward to it. I have a down vest and I find it is pretty useful. I have been looking for a synthetic to keep in my ski backpack for active wear.
I haven’t found the right application for mine yet. Will be interested to hear how you are using it in your system
Spoiler alert: like the rest of the Ambient line, it’s pretty awesome.

Bought mine in September and wore it all the way through October into late rifle. Then I switched to my Ambient 100 hooded jacket.

It’s definitely a new staple in my early season kit and a great combo with the UL75 that offers more versatility than the 100 alone.
Thanks for the review. I've been looking for something other than my down vest. The down is warm, but not breathable. I love my Ambient jacket and hoody. Guess I better watch for sales!
I love a good vest, my arms are always hot. I am generally more comfortable in a t-shirt and a good vest than in a jacket. I ordered a sitka calvin vest this year and still have kind of mixed feelings about it. Have been toying with either one of these or the duckworth vest.
Thanks Justin!

One more data point. Got to use the vest under a rain jacket recently (rain and wet snow). The jacket has pit zips and the vest certainly has a huge advantage over a jacket when trying to dump heat (via pit zips).
Nice review, my use case for a vest is a 2nd mid layer. On ski days when it is colder than zero I put it over my fleece. Even with the down vest the lack of sleeves allows me to breath well. I have considered just a vest in lieu of a puffy jacket on fall hunts. I also walk with it sometimes in the hills and it breathes well