Review of fleece mid layers I've tried


May 8, 2014
I have tried a bunch of the fleece mid layers trying to find the best one for my needs. Here is what I came up with, figured it might be a good reference for others. I don't have extensive experience with all of them. I wore some of them to much to return them, but once I eliminated them from contention I quit wearing them so I could sell them more easily. Hood design is a big deal to me as my reviews will show.

Sitka Core LW Hoody- I really like this layer when I don't need more warmth. It has a hood fit that I like, without the "wings" that you get with a hoody designed to zip up to your nose, not chin. Good wind resistance for what it is, not so hot it bakes me. I really like this one, it's a keeper. Not for all conditions though.

Kryptek Sherpa - I don't like the hood on this one and found that it's much tighter fitting in the same size than the others. I want a mid layer hoody to fit a bit looser, not skin tight like a base. To tight of sleeves and it's more of a pain to layer up and down over the Aerowool base layers I prefer.

First Lite Halstead - make this one with a hood like the Core LW or Kuiu Peloton 240 and I'd love it. I found I want a hood, but as I said above not one that zips past my mouth.

Sitka Core HW Hoody - This one is pretty warm. I do not like the hood but it's nice other than that. Similar to the Halstead in warmth.

Sitka Fanatic Hoody - This one has a better hood for me, but I don't love the built in mittens or face mask. The grid fleece isn't as open, and it's a bit less breathable and warmer than the Core HW. A nice hoody but maybe not the best for hiking in, which fits since it's in the whitetail line.

Kuiu Peloton 240 - This one came in today and it was 104 degrees so no outside experience with it yet. I like the full zip fine, although not really better than a quarter zip. The hood is what I wanted and the material is a little different. Where the Sitka or FL has a solid outer layer and grid fleece inside, this one has a grid outer and softer inner layer. I think I will like it, but time will tell.

That's about all I can tell you for now. I have a lot more experience with the Chama or Sawtooth merino mid layers but wanted a fleece one for Alaska this fall. I wish I had more field experience to share, but I really think all will perform similar it's just what features you want that will decide what is right for you. The Core LW and Peloton 240 are my bets for what I end up liking best as of now. The Fanatic is nice but the Peloton 240 has the features I like about the Fanatic without those that I don't. FWIW the Sawtooth is a great mid layer also, and one that I'll definitely be keeping for cooler hunts where it won't be as wet as Alaska. I like pretty much everything about the fit and hood on that one, and it's warmer than any of the fleeces I've put some time in on.
First Lite has the Klamath now. Halstead with a hood. Zips past your mouth though :(

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Yeah I hated to see that it zipped that high, I really like FL and hoped that would be my ideal fleece until I saw that. I buy a lot of their stuff, great company I like to support. I have a bunch of their ASAT stuff because I love that pattern and bought the pieces I wanted that I didn't already have on their big sales when they phased it out.

Their Sawtooth, Chama, SEAK, Catalyst, everything else I tried on has a good hood. Why is the Klamath different?
Pretty curious to see what you think of the Peloton 240 after you play with it more. It almost seems like a light soft shell with the wind resistance and full zip, but still close enough in weight to compete with the grid fleeces. Hear occasional negative things about the fit and feel of it though, and the bonded tech weirds me out, makes me think it would be stiffer or breath less than a standard fleece.

I've just got a Halstead and a White Sierra 100g fleece thus far to compare.
My peloton 240 full zip hoody is my favorite kuiu item. I got mine in brown solid so I wear it everywhere. I am in northern Ontario for a few weeks and it gets cool at night. I wear it every night.

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I've worn fleece mid layers for years. Up until last year my go to fleece pullovers were about 15 year old no name pullovers, but still in good shape. Last year I tried the FL Halstead fleece pullover, and for me this thing is a home run, so I bought another one. For me, I'm glad it doesn't have a hood, since I'm typically not a 'hood guy' . It seems to mess with my ability to hear to much.
Pretty curious to see what you think of the Peloton 240 after you play with it more. It almost seems like a light soft shell with the wind resistance and full zip, but still close enough in weight to compete with the grid fleeces. Hear occasional negative things about the fit and feel of it though, and the bonded tech weirds me out, makes me think it would be stiffer or breath less than a standard fleece.

I've just got a Halstead and a White Sierra 100g fleece thus far to compare.

I personally love the 240 jacket, I use it all the time, you are right it’s sort of like a soft shell in a way. I find it good just over a lightweight top in mild temps or worn over something heavier, it’s probably one of my favorite pieces of clothing.
The 240 is what I have found to be the best combination mid layer/dry weather outer layer for me. I typically just wear a merino base and the 240 and can be comfortable down into the 20's if hiking and still use it to take the chill off first thing in the morning or if its windy in early archery season first of September. The wind resistance is where I feel the 240 really separates itself from any other fleece mid layer options. I know wind will kill my body heat quickly If I don't stop it unless I'm hiking really hard. I originally got the non hooded version but found when taking a break I like the hood especially if its windy and the rest of the time I really don't even notice the hood is there.

Other similar layers I have tried include
Kryptek Sherpa (just didn't keep me warm at all in very mild temps, I had to wear a third layer when most other similar items kept me warm)
First Lite Halstead (very similar to the Sherpa for me and I absolutely froze wearing this and just didn't get the warmth from it)
Cabelas brand fleece probably open weave 200 weight (still have this and its my second choice and use it in colder conditions)
Peloton 200 (weird fit for me with really large hip/waist and just felt bulky kind of like Patagonia better sweater but tighter weave)
Sitka Traverse (probably me second choice and very warm but didn’t have near the wide range of use the 240 does, I would say it’s warmer but doesn’t block wind as well and doesn’t breath as well, I sold it because the Cabelas fleece performed similar and I couldn’t sell the Cabelas for much).
I'm sure there are more that I'm just not thinking of right now.

I would like to try the Sitka core heavyweight but wonder if it would perform similar to the Halstead and Sherpa for me.
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I’m considering the Sitka fanatic hoody, seems like it would work perfectly under my kifaru LPP during the December moose season.