Resizing 22 arc with 6 arc dies


Dec 14, 2020
Can you use 6 arc dies to resize 22 arc with a change of appropriate bushing. It appears that the case designs are a bit different. Assume you could seat bullets fine with a proper searing stem? Not a lot in stock at tge moment for 22 arc bushing dies.
Isn't the 6 ARC case a little shorter than the 22 ARC? Not sure you could resize the entire case without major shoulder bump.
Yes you can bring Grendel brass down one step with 6ARC dies. You just set the die farther out off the shell holder. I make 6 Grendel brass and load them using 6 ARC dies.
I resize 6.5 Grendel Starline brass to 22ARC in one pass with a crappy Hornady 22 ARC non bushing die. Set final neck interference with a mandrel in a CH4D universal die.

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Can you use 6 arc dies to resize 22 arc with a change of appropriate bushing. It appears that the case designs are a bit different. Assume you could seat bullets fine with a proper searing stem? Not a lot in stock at tge moment for 22 arc bushing dies.

I use a 6.5 Grendel Redding FL bushing die with a .248 bushing to resize 22 ARC. It works great.
I use a 6.5 Grendel Redding FL bushing die with a .248 bushing to resize 22 ARC. It works great.
Not a fan of bushing dies. I know some really like them but have better overall results using standard dies.