Replacing an extra fast action spinning rod. Recommendations?-Happy Update!


Super Southern Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2012
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My favorite spinning rod got demolished today. It is a St Croix Extra fast action Avid series spinning rod. The actual model is AVS68MXF. It was my go to for most everything freshwater. The fast action of the rod is something I really liked.

Anyway-it looks like the same rod new nowadays is north of $200.00. I absolutely love this rod but I cant see spending that kind of fundage for a new one.

Do you guys know of a suitable replacement not quite as spendy? I would prefer the rod to be 1 piece, around 7 feet in length, medium power (6-12 lb. test line range).

Why is it always the favorite thing that gets broken/stolen?
I did email them but I don't have high hopes. I've had the rod for a long time. Thanks for the info here.
If you could handle a medium light (4-12 lb test) I would highly recommend the St. Croix Panfish series
I have the 7' light and I love it. A couple family members have Avid 6'6" light models that I've used quite a bit and the only negative difference I can tell between them is that the Avid seems have ever so slightly more backbone. That could also be attributed to them using 8 lb mono vs the 6 lb braid and 4/6 lb leader I normally use. For fish less than 8 lbs I prefer the Panfish. I've also used a couple Premiers, light and medium, but I don't think they have near the sensitivity of either the Panfish or Avid.

I would also recommend contacting warranty. One of those family members broke the tip of their Avid before the last eyelet in 2020 or 21 and St Croix offered to replace the rod for $50 plus shipping which was obviously accepted. However, than rod was less than 3 years old.
This replaced the No. 8 Blackout which I thought was a great rod for the price. Not as light or sensitive as St. Croix but absolutely functional and far better than other rods in that price range that I've used.
I used their warranty years ago. It cost $25 to replace my rod. It was a one piece rod and I asked them to replace it witha two piece. Cost an extra $25. We'll worth it. They were very nice and helpful.

Also...the reason the rod was broken was 100% my fault. I let them know this and it didn't seem to matter.
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I really like Berkley lightning rods. They are definitely a step down in quality and feel but they are lightweight and only 45 dollars.

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Check OfferUp for a used older Bass Pro Carbonlite dropshot rods. The grey ones are great for the price. Cashed a few checks with one as my primary dropshot rod here in AZ.

Model CL68MSXF

I've since upgraded to an IMX, but those old grey Carbonlite rods are great. The newer versions, no experience with them, but the reviews aren't that great.
Thank you for the responses. I'd be awful happy if they do a warranty replacement for reasonable costs.

I'll report back once I hear from them.
Never used a St Croix, but have tried a couple of <$200 Fenwicks and like the sensitivity/feel of their HMG and Walleye Tech rods. Not sure how they compare. Also heard a lot of good things about Limit Creek rods, but couldn't get one shipped up to Canada at the time.
Going to be awful hard to find a true xf action for south of $200. I bet they warranty it. If not get with sandmns offer above.

Edit: tons of pretty decent moderate-fast and fast action rods out there that are pretty inexpensive—some have been mentioned already. If that’ll work there’s lots of options. Its an actual honest-to-God extra-fast action that I dont think you’ll find easily south of a couple hundred $. If thats a true priority then my above statement is my feedback.
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I’d be surprised if they don’t help you out. If they don’t, and you like it that much, why not replace it with the same thing. I have a couple and just don’t like the cheapies near as much.
I think the last time I used their warranty, they prorate the value of the rod based on its age and class. I could be wrong though. So you'd likely get some level of credit toward a new one depending on the age.

All my rods are St. Croix. Mostly Avid, Legend, and a few Triumph/Premier. You'd probably be happy with the lesser models if you want to save money. The Premiers are very nice. The Triumphs are made in Mexico and have less warranty but are still very nice. I definitely notice the sensitivity difference between the different classes of rods when I'm jigging for walleyes. If I'm just throwing lures then there's not a ton of advantage other than rod weight, which isn't a deal breaker.
The pain of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price has faded. If you want the good stuff and especially if you use it all the time, just pay for it and move on.
I used nothing but cheap spinning rods for years, until I bought a decent quality (+/- $200) model. You couldn't pay me to go back now.
I'm sure St. Croix will help out & if they do, I'd definitely buy another.
I second a Fenwick HMG. I do a fair amount of walleye fishing and absolutely love my Fenwick. Can find them well south of $200.